0|3.2 : The Girl From The River

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In shock my mouth fell open soft words stumbling out as a show of my confusion. Before I could even comprehend my own words or the response given to me I felt the regular beats return, yet the pulsing was stronger, much stronger than before. I passed out again.

• • • • •

I stared dumbfounded at the large rotund golden eyes of the small creature, who had woken me up just moments ago, laying comfortably on my chest. It's small paws resting beside its black parrot mouth, letting its small bat-like wings splay out.

It was a strange and unfamiliar creature which my instincts said was not supposed to be there. However I didn't feel any sense of danger coming from it. The air around it similar to a common feline however mixed with the playful innocence of a puppy.

An unknown amount of time passed before I finally gave in to my curiosity. With a closed fist I lifted my hand from the covers and slowly brought it before the creature's mouth in a show of respect. My hand hovered there for a few moments before it bowed its head, with a sudden burst of glee I opened my fist and laid it on the creature's head. The feeling of feathers and fur at my fingertips as I rubbed its small head left me stumped toward the foreign texture.

No matter how much I pet it however I was unable to determine whether it was covered in fur or feathers, as some parts were even covered with scales. Giving up on finding the answer I lowered my hand back to my side and spoke helplessly, "Excuse me but can I sit up, please."

The little creature let a whine-like growl before reluctantly sliding off my chest in a lazy manner and staying at my side. I smiled, "Thank you."

Placing my hands under me before I slowly raised myself up so that I was now sitting at the  bed's edge. As I did so I found my right leg to be bandaged up to my knee.

"What happened to me?" I muttered softly. Subconsciously holding my head as wave of dizziness came over me.

Images flashed across my mind, before they came to a halt at a gap to when I had just woken up. "That's right I had just managed to escape the grasp of those people who killed mum and dad. I stumbled into the forest and befriended this black mist. And than I was just wandering going wherever the mist asked. But why is there such a huge hole in my memory? Why was I suddenly falling? Why...."

My mumblings became incoherent as I felt myself go into shock. I had to many questions and knew to few answers.

A soft purr snapped me out of it. Thankful I turned my head to follow it and gazed warmly at the little creature now sitting on its hind legs. It's back was straight and in that position it was a little taller than one foot. I smiled unconsciously as I gazed at it, "Thank you for snapping me out of it. You're right it's unlike me to dwell on the past."

I reached my hand out and rubbed it's head giggling as it purred, "What happened and what's missing doesn't matter because I know you'll always be with me Narco."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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