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𝕿he boys arrived back at the dorms after practice and broke up into various activities. Jungkook and Taehyung went to their shared room on the bottom floor claiming they were going to play Fortnite. Hobi went to his and Yoongi's shared room to shower and take a nap before dinner. Jimin settled onto the living room couch anticipating Jin and Namjoon's interrogation. "I'm gonna go nap too," yoongi stated noticing the situation the three were trying to put him in. "Not so fast Min Yoongi. Sit your ass down. We gon talk." The male reluctantly moved to the couch sitting as far away from Jimin as he could. Namjoon and Jin followed suit but sat on either side of Jimin, almost like they needed to protect him from the older.

Jin spoke first, "Something happened between you two and for some reason neither of you will speak up about it. We are a team, we need to talk about our problems and move past them no matter the context. I'm only gonna ask once, what happened?"
Jimin went to speak but then glanced at Yoongi and saw his harsh glare. "Go ahead Jimin, tell them what you think happened." Yoongi smirked mocking the fact that Jimin doesn't know exactly what happened. He just knows the outcome of what happened. The men all looked at Jimin waiting for him to speak.
"W-well I'm not sure exactly what happened. All I know is that I woke up with cuts on me and I set a hard limit with Yoongi that he wouldn't cut me."
"I'm an alibi on that, I cleaned Jimin's cuts up but I was unaware that he wasn't supposed to have them," Jin added on.
"Jimin didn't safe word with me. So I continued. In fact he begged me to keep going. I cut him once and he couldn't get enough. He was wining like, "Master please, wan more," Yoongi laughed as he explained the situation, "I don't get how it's my fault. Tell Jimin to control his subspace."

"We've never had problems with me in subspace before because you respect my limits. If it was something I told you not to do you shouldn't have done it," Jimin retorted, a choked out sob exiting at the end of his sentence. "Well I've heard enough. Yoongi, I think you should apologize to Jimin and you two should take a break in doing anything intimate." Namjoon stated, holding Jimin's hand.

"Namjoon you know you agree with me. You're a dom too. If your sub was begging for more you would keep going. I know you would. You're only agreeing with Jin because you've got your dick shoved so far down his throat you two are under each others control," Yoongi grabbed his phone and walked up to his room and slammed the door.

"Y-you two have sex?" Jimin asked puzzled.

Yoongi sister snapped oml



𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄 [JIMIN X BTS] 21++Where stories live. Discover now