Part 15- I'm Broken

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It was weird. The person calling me wasn't dad, but it was dad's contact.

"Oh..uh. Hello?" I asked slowly, stuttering a little.

"What's going on?" Jungkook asked, in a soft whisper.

I pulled the phone away from my ear. "I have no clue." 

"Is this Andrea Kim?" 

"Oh. Oh. Yes yes it is." I answered.

"Ok. We are sorry that we have some bad news."

"Bad news?! What do you mean?" 

I was so confused. Who was this and why were they calling me from dad's phone?!

"Your father, Andrew Kim, has sadly passed away." he said.

The words rang in your head. Maybe over 10 times. You could just feel your heart ripping into pieces just like that. Just from a sentence that you were hearing from a stranger.

"Andrea, what's going on? Is there something wrong? You look scared!" Jungkook yelled from behind me.

I pulled his hand away from my shoulder. 

"What. What. No please you can't be serious." I said. 

This couldn't be happening to me. It really couldn't.

"This isn't a joke Miss. Andrea. We sincerly apologize for your loss."

"QUIT PLAYING! Who are you and why are you calling from my father's phone!!!???" I shouted.

"Please, Miss Kim. I am Doctor Sam of The Miracle Hospital located in New York City. This is most certainly not a joke, and we are sorry for your loss. We also apologize that we have to tell you the news through the phone. You are currently in a totally different state, and there was no other way we could tell you." he slowly said.

"But this isn't a miracle doctor!!! Doctor, doctor. Please. My father is young. How did he die so early?! I just don't understand." I said this as I burst into tears.

"Dead? Father?!" Jungkook questioned from behind me. He came up close to me and gave me a hug. "Andrea, what are you-"

"Jungkook one second!" I shouted into his ear.

He slowly backed away, looking down.

"He was in a late night drive, and didn't see where he was going. He crashed into another car. He awoke from losing concious a few days ago, and then passed away then. We are so so sorry Miss Kim. You are the only other person we can talk to for these things. Is there another guardian we can talk to?"

"I cannot believe this is really happening right now. You can talk to my aunt! I will message you the number. Just please, I need time to heal right now." I said wiping the tears.

"Yes we understand Miss Kim. Thank you so much." 

I didn't have anything else to say to the doctor, so I just hung up.

"Andrea..." Jungkook started to say.

I slowly turned around. My eyeliner was practically dripping down to my mouth.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I didn't mean to shout at you." I said. I felt bad. I shouldn't have yelled at him even if I was hurting.

"No no. Don't be sorry. You just lost your father. I should be the one that's sorry." he said putting his arm around me.

"Thank you. I just...I didn't even get to say goodbye to him. That's the worst part. He sounded so sad when I last called him." I told him as I wiped my tears.

I Love The One I Thought I'd Never Love {BTS Jungkook}Where stories live. Discover now