Hurt [Edited]

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Tempest's P.O.V

"Alpha, does the luna hates us? Is that why she left?"

"Luna loves all of us, she just have some...uh...things to settle."

"Oh. When is she coming back alpha?"

"Soon, cindy, soon. In fact, she told me that she is coming back 15 mins later."

"Yay. The luna is coming back. I hope she loves me." Cindy said as she jumped with enthusiasm.

"She will love you cindy. Maybe she will love you more than she loves me." I pouted, making her giggle.

"Can i see luna later?"

"Of course you can"

"Thank you alpha. See you later!"

"See you!"

Who wouldn't love such an innocent looking pup with all of their heart. The way she talks or pouts at you. I'm sure aden would love her and dote on her as if she is her own pup.

I sighed, all of the frustrating thoughts coming back to me. How am i going to explain to her? I'm going to reject angel, i would only marry aden and no one else. Aden is mine and only mine. I can't believe that i already hurt her feelings after i bring her to my pack.

I'm a terrible mate.

Aden's P.O.V

My head is acheing and i'm very thirsty. I feel like i'm in the middle of the desert with no water. I woke up in a room, on a soft and comfy bed. This seems...familiar?

I lifted my head up and snifted the air. A familiar scent hit me and i immediately recognised it as my...mate. Why am i back in his pack? I made sure to cover at least 45 miles away from his pack with my werewolf speed. The pain...the betrayal i felt is coming back. I hate the feeling.

I always thought that mates were supposed to love you with all of their hearts and never judge you. They would give you everything that you ever needed, your mate is the other half of your soul that completes you.

Without them, you will just feel empty knowing that they are somewhere out in the world. To think of it now, my first mate have already failed me by rejecting me. He didn't want me...i got lucky with a second mate. He saved me from the rouges, he cared for me when i fainted or when i was hungry but once again fate was just so cruel that i had to find out that he is engaged to another she-wolf.

I wanted to ripped her apart and end her life. Why did she have to take my mate away from me. My wolf is howling in pain and agony from the betrayal that we felt. She is just as hurt as i am...

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock on the door. A little girl started to make her way into the room. She seem nervous and was fidgetting with her hand before she started to speak up.

"H-hi luna, i am cindy." the little girl smiled nervously at me.

I smiled back. I motion for her to sit down beside me. She hesitated before sitting down.

"Hi cindy, what can i do for you?"

"I was wondering if you would like to eat breakfast. I made them myself."

"Aww, that's so sweet cindy, you shouldn't have."

"But i wanted to, luna."

"I will eat them in a while ok?"


"Luna, why did you run away? Do you hate us?" Cindy said as she looked down at the floor.

"No i don't, cindy. I would love to know all of you. I'm sorry that i ran away before i formally introduce myself to the pack. I had to do."

"Okay" she replied softly.

"Why don't you bring me the breakfast that you made for me here."

She smiled happily before answering "okay" and soon she was out of tempest's room, running towards the place where she put the breakfast that she made for me.

I could hear her breathing as she came back into the room with a tray of delicious food. She handed me the tray and i immediately devoured the food. I smiled at her sheepishly while mouthing a "thank you" to her.

She grins at me and took the tray. Once she left, i went to lock the door and let my body slide down the door slowly as tears started to flow down my face. I was sobbing by the time i heard a gentle knock on the door. I chose to ignore it but the knocks became louder and soon panic footsteps were heard outside the door. I take a deep breathe in and tried to calm down. But i immediately went stiff when i caught a scent...the scent of tempest...his scent was mixed with a she-wolf's scent.

I stood up with my body shaking with amger. My wolf pushing forward to gain control and kill whoever that dares to go near our mate. I let my wolf take control, she unlocked the door. Her eyes met the dark blue ones of our mate. A she-wolf was clinging onto him. She smirks at my reaction. I dash forward and gripped her on the throat tightly till her face started to pale. Tempest was trying his best to pull us apart.

"Let her go, you're going to kill her aden."

"So you care about this she-wolf more than your own mate?"

"No i don't. Please...let me explain."

"Why should i? Why am i even here? I don't want to be with a mate that cheats on me. You couldn't even wait till you find me. So why should i believe what you're going to say."


"Is your tongue tied? Did you lose your voice? Answer me if you want me to hear you out."

"You're here because i told my trackers to track you down. I wanted them to bring you back so i could explain to you about why i was engaged to this slut of a she-wolf. I don't even love her, i have no feelings for her at all. I will only love you aden, you're my mate. I care for you so will you give me a chance now?"

I released the she-wolf and she started to wimper in fear. She was crying after she realised what tempest had said about her.


Hi readers, sorry that i took so long to update. I hope you like this chapter.

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