SirZechs watched the scene unfold and could only hope that his little sister would be okay, but also hope that they will get Shane back.

"It's all going to be okay, we have to trust them eventually" Michael said while putting a hand on the devil King's shoulder.

"You're right, they'll be just fine" the Devil King replied.

Somewhere close to Shane

On the outskirts of Kuoh, the parallel one, a magic circle appeared and soon revealed a familiar teen falling to the ground. The impact caused a small crater in the ground. You would think that this teen is dead, but he shot up like nothing happened.

"Wha- what happened?" He questioned, he kept looking around trying to see if he knew where he was,

"All I remember was fighting that giant wolf and Loki sent me off to somewhere, I was falling for a great amount of time and now here I am"

He then looked towards the city and heard a bunch of screams from citizens, so his instinct was to go see what is happening.

"Maybe I can get some answers as well when I get there" he talked to himself while running towards the city.

Earlier with Shane

Shane was still sitting in the same spot as he was. The person he was staring at was himself. The other Shane slowly got back up, but he never took his eyes off Shane.

"Just who do you think you are?" He questioned while dusting himself off.

Shane couldn't answer, he was trying to avoid meeting this world's Shane, but that was thrown out the window.

The other Shane was getting irritated, so black tissue shot from his left hand and picked Shane up.

"I'm not going to ask you again. Now tell us" he demanded while Venom finished the last word.

"Well," Shane started while trying to get some air, "I'm you, but from somewhere else"

It seemed like this worlds Shane wasn't buying it, so Venom gripped him a little tighter while forming his pupiless eyes.

"Whatever joke you're playing, it needs to stop. Or we will eat you alive right now"

'Well some things never change' Shane thought. "It's no joke! I'm you but from somewhere else! A different world! I didnt want to run into you, but I heard that you might be planning on taking over the world. I want to know why" he mustered out.

Venom let go of him and then proceeded to talk.

"You're not lying, we do want to take over the world. You see, humans are nothing but mindless puppets. You say you found us, but we found you." He started while growing into his true form. He then walked closer to Shane and grabbed a holt of him.

He then heard screams from everyone in the city, "what's going on?" Shane asked while struggling from Venom's grip.

"It's starting. Look" Venom answered. Shane turned his head to see many symbiotes roaming the city. They all looked like Venom and they were taking over any humans possible.

"W-what is happening?" Shane stuttered. The sight was horrific, Symbiotes were grabbing any human and controlling them or killing then. Unfortunately, more were spawning in the area.

"This is the start were WE take over the world! We will take over this city and soon the entire world. I've learned to make many copies of myself and soon their will be enough of us to take over your pathetic world! And you will not live to see it!" Venom yelled while throwing Shane. Venom smiled in victory as seeing the devil being thrown. Shane tried to use his magic or his wings, but it was no use. However, Venoms smile quickly faded when something saved Shane.

Highschool DXD: A Symbiotic TwistWhere stories live. Discover now