Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“No what have you done!” he screamed at her. She pushed past him and went to Abbey.

“Come on let’s get you up.” Abbey was in agony, but it was Marianne’s treatment of her that was shocking her the most. She was used to the beatings, but Marianne being nice was just too odd.

Marianne helped Abbey up and lifted her face to the side to get a better look at the cut from Greg’s ring on her cheek.

“Sit down I’ll get you a drink.” Marianne was so outraged at what she had just walked in on. She looked at her son, her only child a woman beater. She didn’t really like Abbey, but no one deserved that. It was wrong she, and hadn’t brought Greg up like that.

She glared at him he was pacing round muttering about needing to go. “You’re not going anywhere!” Marianne shouted storming over to him. She grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him.

“You disgust me!” She hissed.

Greg grimaced at her words. She got a bottle of whiskey from the cupboard, and got two glasses she poured herself and Abbey a glass.

“Here it will help with the shock.” She told her, but then Abbey muttered something Marianne couldn’t quite hear, “What was that?”

“Nothing helps,” Abbey, sighed. She couldn’t look at Greg she was terrified. When she finally managed to look up he was still pacing back and forth, but he stopped and moved towards the table making Abbey jump back knocking the drink everywhere.

“Move away from her now!” Marianne cursed.

 “Abbey how long has this been going on?” she was concerned that this wasn’t the first time.

Abbey gulped wondering whether it was wise to speak. As if, Marianne would stop Greg if he really wanted to get to her.

She started to cry, and that was all Marianne needed to know, “You’re a sick man and I’m ashamed to say you’re my son.”

 Greg went to speak but two police officers walked in behind him. They looked at Abbey then at Greg.

“Who made the call?” Marianne stood up and told them it was her.

“Name?” The one officer asked Greg.

 He told him, and the two officers gave each other knowing looks. “Greg Bell I am arresting you for assault you do not have to say anything, but it might harm your defence. If you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court.”

“I know how it goes” Greg snapped.

He had been in trouble, for various things in the past and was well known to the police. Only he had become a bit cleverer about covering his crimes now.

“An officer will come round to get statements, but I’d like you to take Mrs. Bell to the hospital to be checked out. I want a full list of injuries.” He told Marianne.

“Let’s get this one down the station.” He said to the other officer.

Abbey watched as they dragged Greg out of the house. He was putting up a fight, and they finally got him out. Marianne sank into the chair.

“Why haven’t you said something before?” she questioned.

She felt awful, because she could have done something to stop this. She always thought Greg was too good for Abbey, but it was clearly the other way round. It wasn’t her fault. She was one of those mothers who couldn’t see any wrong in her child, but she had seen with her own eyes Greg’s abuse now and there was denying it.

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