The Truth

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Day 2

(Song for this chapter is Style - Taylor swift (Cover by Travis Atreo))

Nova's POV

"Nova? Good Morning" I hear a gentle sweet voice as the dawn spreads through the window and on my bed. I have been staying in the golden room for a while now, I haven't been to my room since the day I shattered the mirror with my own hands

I smile as I hear the sweet voice, I stretch my arms and turn towards the direction of the voice

It's Aslaug with two maids.

"Good Morning" she repeats and smiles, I smile back because she has been nothing but kind to me. 

"Queen Aslaug?" I say a bit startled by her presence in my room, I know I look hideous as I cried myself to sleep

"There" Aslaug points towards the table and the two maids keep the trays and a jar of juice on the table as I try to connect the dots as to what is happening. 

"I have got breakfast for you, I know these past days have been troublesome for you. My son has caused you more harm than good" she says as I sit on my bed and she pour juice in a glass cup

"Thank you, you didn't have to go through so much trouble. Had you invited me, I would have come to have breakfast with you" I say as I rub my eyes

"Don't be ridiculous" she smiles as she brings me the juice and I thank her again

"I can at-least do this much for my future daughter in law" she smiles as she puts her hand on my cheek

"How is Ivar? I didn't mean to.." I say but she shushes me

"Ivar is fine, he has always been an angry man. He must have gone out a killed someone or something. He can't stay mad at a face like yours" she slides her cold fingers on my cheek

Killed someone? She says as if human life means nothing to her

"Look at you" She tilts her head to look deep in my eyes, almost intimidating me as usual

"You are the beauty that every man needs, every man would kill for" she says being lost while twirling my hair with her fingers

"Thank you for being kind" I say as I take a sip of the juice

"I am not being kind, just honest" she says as she gets up. "There are few things I want to talk to you regarding my son" she says as she walks towards the two chairs and a small table in between, all golden and white in colour.

She is so tall and whiter than the chairs, I have never met a woman who looks like her. I have heard tales about her father being Sigurd who killed the dragon named Fafnir

 I have heard tales about her father being Sigurd who killed the dragon named Fafnir

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I stand up and place my self on the other chair while being as respectful as possible

The only thing between I and Aslaug are a golden table and unspoken words.

"You and Ivar are special people, Odin the ruler of the Gods have chosen this union for you both" She speaks with grace, "You might not agree with that, I don't know about your gods but I know they have chosen Ivar for you" she raises her eyebrow and I look at a painting of Jesus Christ in my room.

"This marriage is my duty, it was never my choice" I say as I let out some air in my lungs that I had been holding since Aslaug came in my room. 

"I don't mean to offend you Queen Aslaug but your son left me with no choice, he killed everyone I knew and threatens to kill my family" I say as my voice begins to crack

She leans backwards and look at me with a smize.

"My life was never my choice, my heart beats for Ivar but my mind cannot fathom being with him. We come from different worlds" I say

"Then why don't your worlds collide to make a new universe?" 

she questions as I am stunned by her analogy , she continues "Everything in your life is a choice, everyday when you wake up in the morning you make a decision" she looks at me and says, "What if I let your family go? I will ask Ivar to not pressure you. Will you still marry him?"

I breathe but I get no air, her questions baffles me as I search my heart and mind for answers

"Let's say, I ask Ivar to spare you and sail back to Kattegat with me. Will you then marry a rich prince and live a lavish life. Nova, are you satisfied with these pearls and rubies? these teacups and pastries? or does your heart desire more?" she leans closer to me

My mind immediately walks back to time time I loved archery and sword fight. I loved challenging boys and fighting in the mud and coming back to the chambers dirty only to be scolded by my mother for doing things that a princess is not supposed to. Soon enough I was forced to abandon my passions and blend into the world of pretty things.

 She has read my soul and I feel invaded. How does she knows what lies deep within me.

"I...I" I try to answer but I cannot find my words

"You hesitate because you know the truth" she takes a small square piece of chocolate from the table and pops it in her mouth

"How do you know? What I feel?" I ask as I am puzzled

"I have a gift" she leans forward again, "of seeing things which others cannot"

"What do you see for me?" I say in a serious tone as I raise my eyebrow

"That you are not a happy-go-lucky princess, you are a warrior queen. Your soul wants to escape the reigns of 'civilised' society, those tight corsets, those forced bows. The woman inside of you is screaming to come out. I was just like you once" she smiles as she looks at her fingers

I.. am...amazed.

"I cannot believe this" I mutter

"Marrying Ivar will free that woman inside your heart Nova, you will be a warrior, our equal" she stands up with her head high, "You will rule the whole of Scandinavia as a fearless warrior queen who is the wife of Ivar, the God" she continues "Or you could be here, live a comfortable life. I will arrange a match for you and set you free, you have a choice . I shall immediately order the release of your brothers and the choice of marrying Ivar is entirely in your hands" she says and walks, only to stop at the door and turn towards me

"Choose what you soul desires, choose to be memorable" she says and leaves

I fall on the chair as my head starts spinning

She knows my truth

What do I do?

What do I choose?

Theme of this Chapter - 

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