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C H A P T E R ' F O U R
T I T L E ' U N T R U T H F U L N E S S


"Oh my God, just shut the fuck up, Brenda! Katy Perry is irrelevant!"

"Jimin, my name's Namjoon."

The six men were all gathered in the main room, discussing different topics, bickering and heedlessly mocking each other, participating in meaningless friendly banters that were already giving Yoongi a cruel migraine, while Jeongguk was in the shower, his thoughts wandering across the realm of his puerile fantasies.

The cold water was dripping over his golden skin, his tanned features gleaming like gemstones as the transparent liquid was lingering upon his bare skin, slathered across every inch of his body. The bathroom he was in was conveniently large, and Jeongguk, although enjoying to take a cold shower, after having felt so miserable for such a long time, was silently having an existential crisis.

A painful headache saddled upon his thoughts was not making his situation any better. It had been five hours since he had joined The Avengers, and he was already overly concerned by their duties, missions and all that. But above all, he was concerned by Taehyung's words, which were still stuck in his mind ― every little thought that crossed his mind was concerning the blond's statement.

Although worried and concerned by the attitude he had displayed, Jeongguk couldn't help but look onto the brighter side of it ― the fact that Taehyung himself claimed to have loved a "him" was more than enough even for someone like the clueless brunette to realise that Taehyung was most certainly attracted to males.

But who was he to assume his sexuality? Besides the possibility of Taehyung being gay, he could've been bisexual or pansexual as well. And that was enough for Jeongguk to be relieved, as he initially thought that he would most likely confront a bunch of homophobic work―oriented men who didn't give a shit about the others.

Seeing Taehyung so vulnerable and emotionally wrecked, after all what the brunette did was to ask a question, was more than shocking for Jeongguk, even though he had just met the blond. The initial aura the brilliant marksman had displayed was the one of a refined and elegant young man, full of charisma and undeniable godly looks.

And besides, Taehyung also came off as ridiculously honest and confident ― the fact that he didn't even hesitate to claim that he once loved someone whose gender was that of a male, made Jeongguk actually question what sexualities meant for him. He had never had the guts to confess whom he was attracted to over the years, not even to his mother.

You see, Jeongguk was not straight ― but rather, pansexual. He loved everyone and everything and had never discriminated between genders, sexualities or orientations. He had always considered that everyone, regardless of what they identify as, deserves to be loved and cherished, and so he automatically regarded his own self as pansexual.

This didn't necessarily happen long ago, as he realised his own preferences during the last year of middle school, when he was only fourteen years old. There was this pretty girl in his class, whose name was Kim Chungha, and Jeongguk thought her to be the most gorgeous girl he had ever laid his eyes on. As heedless and naive as he was, the brunette was quick to fall for her glamour and beauty, but that didn't take too long.

Just in the second trimester of Jeongguk's last year of middle school, a student from Anyang―si transferred to their school, actually to his class. And oh boy, poor Jeongguk had a lot of trouble trying to figure out his own preferences after seeing that guy's face. Kim Mingyu was his name and making Jeongguk wet was his game.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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