Ch. 1: Betrayed

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[Lucy's PoV]

I skipped my way happily to the guild while humming my favorite song. Today would be another mission for Team Natsu! Although our last one was a total mess.

Erza said they have a surprise for me today, and that I would totally love it. That's why I'm so excited to come to the guild.

Come to think of it, Team Natsu and the rest of the guild has always been nice to me. It was just me who has never done anything good for them..

As I reached the guild doors, curiousness ran into me. It was awfully quiet, so I slowly opened the guild doors, only to see everyone glaring at me. GLARING.

"D-Did I do anything wrong?" I stammered. Unknown to why they're looking at me like I'm an enemy.

Natsu walked up to me with a grin plastered in his face. I thought he was gonna welcome me, but turns out I'm wrong. He punched me on my face that caused me to be thrown to the wall.

Just what is wrong?!

My back and butt hurts, so does my bruised cheek.

"What was that for, Natsu?!" I yelled, rubbing my cheek.

"That," he grabbed my collar and threw my across the room. That really hurts.. "is for being so pathetic and weak."

He grabbed me again and tossed my to Elfman, who punched my stomach.

I coughed blood, and the next thing I knew, everyone joined the beating. Heck, even Master.

What happened to the Fairy Tail I knew?

What did I do?

But, yesterday, everyone was still nice...

What made them do this?

"M-Minna... why?" I choked out blood as I said that. "This isn't you guys.."

"It is us, stupid!"

"You're weak, pathetic, and a total slut! That's why!"

I heard everyone laughed at me as if they never considered me as family.

This... This isn't Fairy Tail.

"Let's go! To the beach, everyone let's celebrate for Lucy's death!" I heard Master yelled, and everyone yelled their agreement.

Death? They're gonna leave me here to die...

Maybe... I should just let myslef die in here.

What's the point of continue in leaving my life If everyone tthat I treasured most already betrayed me...

Death awaits me...

I slowly closed my eyes and waited for myself to drift off to my eternal slumber. I even heard everyone's footsteps leaving the guild. Looks like they're having fun..

"Lucy-san, gomen nasai. We had to do this. Please don't die yet..." I heard faint sobs and recognized it was Wendy. I couldn't open my eyes anymore, but I'm sure there's someone beside me. I could feel the pain go away.

She's healing me... but why?

I thought... I thought they all hate me now? That I'm a pathetic and weak Ex-Fairy?

I felt better and I know the presence that was beside me is already gone. Until I drifted off to sleep.


"Lucy, dear," I saw Mama and Papa smiling at me. I was in a place where everything is white. Is this my ending? Is this where I'll end?

"Do you wanna come with us now?" Mama gave me her hand. I finally saw her again.

Yes, I want to...

I reached for her hand and was about to grab it when an image of Natsu and the rest of Fairy Tail appeared.

"We love you, Luce!" Natsu said as he gave me his hand.


I don't know who to choose. "Come with us, honey" Mama reached for my hand but I pulled it away from her. I saw Natsu smiled and also tried to reach for my hand, but I also pulled it away and began to run. Ran and ran in this endless white room.

"You can't always run, Lucy!" I heard Papa yelled. I stopped and tried to look back, but an image of the Celestial King appeared in front of me. He was grinning.

"Come... with me." He also stucked his hand out. And my spirits appeared behind him.

I can't.. I'm not coming with anyone..

I woke up and realized I was in a forest. It's already dark and my body was still sore. I tried to stand up, and I did, but pain took over me so I had to lean against the tree.

Oh yeah... Fairy Tail beat me up.

I lifted my hand and stared at where my insignia used to be.

I still have reasons to live.

As I strode in the forest, I could see someone in a hooded cloak across me.

I assumed it was a man, judging by his posture and body.

He removed his hood, and I was shocked to see cat ears attached to his head, and a tail that wiggles behind him.

My visions were blurred and I slowly felt unconscious, but before I did, I know I saw his face. And it was awfully familiar.


A/N: I had to cut it here because it's still gonna take long.

Hmm... so what happened to Fairy Tail? Comment your ideas! ^___^

See you in the next chapter!

Next Chapter: Training with the Wolf King

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