"I don't know who you think you are, but you need help and I'm whiling to be there for you... just if you let me".
They don't like each other but they'll have to be together since one of their friends wants them to get along, so just for that he's g...
Some things had changed after you talked with Zuho, it seems that both of you are getting better and now, he stays with you as much time as he can. School break is helping a lot since you have more time to spend together, and know each other furthermore which is bonding a strong relationship in between you two.
The rest of your friends are happy to see the progress both of you had made, actually, Hana, Inseong, Zuho and you went to a double date together two days ago. It was very fun to be with all of them and enjoy the conversation about the old memories you've made with them so far.
Currently, you are at your new apartment; yes, new apartment. Just two people know about this plan Zuho and you had thought about since a while now, you have to say that it's a little crazy but at the same time is kind of a good move. The only ones who know this are Inseong and Dawon, of course, and they aren't against it but they don't agree a hundred percent.
-I'm here to help out – Zuho said while getting inside the apartment, he's coming inside with a box full of stuff.
-You mean; you are here to make more mess – You rolled your eyes as you began to put everything in order.
-Maybe – He said while leaving the box on top of the table, then he walked towards you and began to back hug you. -Did you miss me? – Zuho asked with a deep but soft tone of voice.
-What question is that? Of course, I did – You said before kissing his cheek. -And did you? – You questioned.
-Just a little – Zuho chuckled before holding your hands tightly. -Hey, Y/N, do you think we are doing the right thing? – He asked, sounding concerned.
-Why are you asking me that? – You asked before turning around to face him. -Did someone say something to you? – You questioned.
-No, actually, Dawon and Inseong-hyung were happy when I told them that I wanted to come and help you out. But I don't know if I'm good enough for you, after all, I didn't trust you before – Zuho sighed before looking to your hands underneath his own.
-I know that it's been a few weeks after we were apart, but you should know that it wasn't all your fault; I think I already told you that, didn't I? – You spoke while caressing his hair.
-Yes, you did – Zuho sighed. -I guess I'm just nervous by this change – He grinned.
-Me too, believe me – You chuckled a tad. -But it'll help us out a lot, don't you think? – You said while surrounding his neck with your arms.
-It definitely will – He said before pecking your lips. -Should we continue, captain? – Zuho asked playfully.
You giggled. -Let's continue – You smiled.
Zuho and you were almost done with the living room, however, both of you decided to take a deserved break after completing three rooms in a row. Now, you two are laying down on top of your new bedroom which isn't that bad looking; white and red aesthetic, with some dark wood details and pieces of furniture.
-The music room is awesome; you did a great job – You said while looking at the ceiling.
-Thank you – Zuho smiled. -I like how the kitchen ended up looking, very modern and fresh – He said while looking at you.
-Well, thank you, is my pleasure to help – You grinned before turning around to look at him. -This room is the best one though – You teased.
-Aha, sure – He rolled his eyes playfully before taking your hand. -I can't wait for tomorrow; is going to be perfect waking up next to these pillows – Zuho chuckled.
-Ha! I'll be happy to wake up with the amazing view of the city, the only reason why I'll sleep here – You joked.
-You are mean – Zuho chuckled before hugging you playfully.
-Yah! Zuho! – You complained as he started to tickle you, and in no time, it became a war of tickles.
He chuckled before looking at you, then he started to caress your cheek gently. -I love you, I truly do – Zuho said while looking at you with a beaming smile.
-Aw, so romantic – You teased before kissing his cheek. -I love you more – You blushed.
-I'm happy you do, little tomato – He joked while pocking your cheek.
-Is your fault – You giggled before knocks on the door began to be heard.
-Did we invite someone? – Zuho asked confused.
-No, I don't think so – You said before you two stood up from the bed. -Aren't all the boys at the schedule? – You asked.
-Yes, they are supposed to be – Zuho said while looking at the hour on his watch. -Stay here, I'll go and check – He told.
-Wait, I'll go with you – You said while looking at him concerned.
-No, stay here, please – Zuho said as he took your hand, then he kissed your forehead before leaving the room.
Why do you have to keep on coming, Yoon?
-Zuho's POV-
I went downstairs to see who is knocking at the door so desperately, and for my bad luck, it was the person I wanted to see the least.
-Oh, Zuho, what a surprise to find you here – Yoon said while looking at me.
-A surprise? Really? – I asked while looking at him seriously.
-Yes, after what happened with Y/N, I thought you wouldn't return with her – Yoon spoke.
-We never broke up, and your disgusting actions didn't affect us as you thought – I stated.
-I see, well, then I guess you don't mind if I call her "my lover" – Yoon smirked.
I took him by his shirt and looked at him upset, then I just tighten my grip against his collar.
-Don't you dare to call her like that again, she isn't in love with you – I said madly. -You should go with Jasmine, and leave us alone – I said before pushing him away.
-I'm not done with her, and you know that Baek Juho – Yoon said while looking at me upset. -Watch out, idol – He chuckled.
-You better be the one watching out – I shouted as he started to walk away.
I closed the door and sighed, then I looked at Y/N going downstairs. She walked towards me and began to hug me tightly, I bet she heard it all and now she's worried about what will happen next time.
-He's a fugitive from justice, he can't run away – I said while holding her tightly.
-I know what he is, but I'm worried that he'll hurt you – Y/N admitted while caressing my hair.
-Really? – I questioned. -Because I'm more worried about you, I don't want him to get close to you never again – I said while looking at her worriedly.
-He won't, I promise – Y/N smiled before kissing my cheek. -Now, let's continue with the apartment – She said while taking my hand.
-Yes, captain – I grinned while taking her hand.
I know she's trying to be strong, after all, Y/N doesn't like to show how weak she can be some times. I mean, everyone can bend and break from time to time, and no one is guilty about that. I just hope she can let me know how she feels, even if we were enemies when we first met.