"I don't know who you think you are, but you need help and I'm whiling to be there for you... just if you let me".
They don't like each other but they'll have to be together since one of their friends wants them to get along, so just for that he's g...
You stared at Zuho before letting your body fall on top of Dawon's shoulder, he looked at you concerned after nothing came out of your mouth after Zuho's words.
How should I answer?
-Y/N, are you okay? – Dawon asked while holding your arm.
You just nodded and looked away from everyone.
-Take your time, is okay – Hwiyoung said worriedly.
-Stay calm – Dahyun smiled at you.
-It was my fault; I should've never got involved with Yoon and Jasmine. It's on me that he did what he did – You said while a tear shed down your cheek.
You looked down and then tried to breathe calmly once again.
-No, don't say that – Inseong said while looking at you concerned.
-Y/N, they are messed up, so don't blame yourself – Youngbin stated.
-I'm sorry, we need to talk, now – Zuho said while standing up, he walked all the way towards you and took you away from the rest of the guys.
-Hey! You better treat her right! – Dawon shouted as Rowoon took his arm, stopping him from following you two.
-She's my girlfriend, get yours – Zuho shouted before he took you farther away.
He guided you all the way to a cathedral that is there in the garden you are in, and then both of you sat down on the benches inside of it.
-I want to know what happened there, I want to trust in you again but you have to tell me everything, okay? – Zuho said while taking both of your shoulders.
You nodded before looking down to your hands.
-Before you arrived at the back of the school to defend me, he threatened me and I fell for his words and just let him do whatever he wanted – You admitted.
-Threatened you with what? – He asked confused.
-With you; with ending your career and with the group – You stuttered.
-That's the reason why you let him get close to you, and that's why you defended him after I pulled him away, then? – Zuho questioned.
-Yes – You nodded.
-And why you didn't say anything? – He asked, sounding upset with himself.
-I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me, and after we stopped being so close, I lost my voice – You spoke. -I don't know why, but I just stopped talking – You sighed.
-I'm sorry for making so many questions but, why can you talk now? – Zuho asked.
-Because you cared, I thought the last thing I would hear from you could be a goodbye and a breakup – You admitted.
-No, I think I just needed time to understand but I admit I was egoist – Zuho said while taking your hands. -I never thought about you and what truly happened, everyone kept on telling me to believe in you and in your words but I never understood why. Now, I see why they wanted me to talk with you so much – He told.
-You didn't know; it was mine since I never told you about Yoon and the situation I was in – You said. -I'll understand if you want to keep your distance – You said before getting your hands away from him.
-Do you need more time? I can give it to you but, I already made up my mind – Zuho said while holding your chin, then he looked at you and let out a smile.
-I don't know – You said before some tears started to fall down your eyes.
-Y/N, I'm sorry for staying away from you and for not been there by your side... if you need time, I'll give it to you – Zuho said before hugging you tightly. -Without pressure – He said while getting away from you.
-Thank you, I'm very grateful – You said while cleaning up your tears.
-Thanks to you – Zuho said while caressing your hair.
You are back at your place after having such a heavy day with your friends and Zuho, everything went better than you thought and luckily, your voice returned for some time.
Right now, you are with Dawon since he wanted to take you back home; Inseong wanted to come too but you told him to go with Hana and spend some time together since today is SF9's break day, and the school break needs to be well used.
At the moment, Dawon and you are laying down on your couch; he's resting on the right while you are on the left side, both of you are just resting while watching some music performances.
-So, do you want to talk about Zuho? – He asked while looking at the TV.
-The question here is, do you want to know anything about what happened? – You questioned while looking at him.
-Hmm, yeah, so spill it out – Dawon said while paying attention to you completely.
-Well, we talked and I explained to him everything that happened with Yoon – You spoke.
-The stupid Yoon – Dawon said upset.
-Exactly, and well, he believed me but then I asked him for time – You sighed.
-For more time, huh? I like your attitude – Dawon said before high fiving you.
-Really? I thought you would be upset – You said surprised.
-Yeah, but no – He said. -I think you need to take your time to see if you want to trust him again and to return where you left it – Dawon admitted.
-I still love him, I can't deny that but at the same time I was upset that he didn't believe me in all the ways – You spoke. -But then... it was kind of my fault that he didn't know the complete story – You added.
-Yeah, I know what you're trying to say – Dawon said before pulling you against him, then you laid down next to him. -Well, you know that it doesn't matter what you choose or what you decide to do at the end; I'll always be here to support you and give you a lot of love – He said before hugging you tightly against him.
-I know, thank you for everything, Dawon – You said while hugging him happily.
-I'll be here with you all the time, after all, Inseong-hyung is very occupied with Hana – Dawon teased.
-Yah! They are a cute couple; you are just jealous – You giggled.
-Hmm, maybe – He chuckled. -I'm happy to see you smile again – Dawon said before ruffling your hair.
-You helped me out to feel better – You grinned before kissing his cheek. -You are truly the best friend ever – You said before hugging him tightly.
-Same for you, little one – Dawon said before kissing your head. -I love you so much – He said while rubbing your back.