Second Chapter - Perfects

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3º Person's POV

September, 23rd

-What are you preparing there? -Frisk asked a little sleepy entering the kitchen and noticed that her wife was preparing something on the stove.

-Breakfast. -Chara responded by stirring the frying pan while the other was sitting on one of the chairs around the table.

-What do you have to eat? -The brownish question in a sleepy way when observing the companion.

-Bacon with eggs and hot chocolate. -Chara responded with a glow of happiness in her eyes as she turned around holding two dishes with the food.

"-I might never be your knight in shining armor

I might never be the one you take home to mother

And I might never be the one who brings you flowers

But I can be the one, be the one tonight"

-So, what are we doing today? -Chara asks after eating some of the breakfast you prepared.

-We're going to the greenhouse after we give the news to Toriel. -Frisk responds by taking a little more of the food on his plate.

-All right, it was about time to tell her about our wedding. -Chara responded incredibly calmly and it ripped a smile from his girlfriend. -How are we going to do that? -This time it was Chara who asked.

-We go in the car obviously and this time I will drive, was I clear? -Frisk speaks in a way that can frighten the elder.

-Okay, just don't stare at me like that again. -Chara complained of the look she received from her companion.

-Go get ready and come back here in 20 minutes. -The smallest speech and the red-eyed girl runs to her room.

"-When I first saw you

From across the room

I could tell that you were curious (Oh, yeah)

Girl, I hope you're sure

What you're looking for

'Cause I'm not good at making promises"

20 minutes Later

-Let's see, where did my necklace go? -Chara wondered after she had arranged to go out with his wife.

-You're slowing down our ride. -Frisk spoke outside the room while Chara kept searching for his necklace for the room that was well-dressed.

-I'm just going to get out of here when I find my gold necklace. -Chara replied to his wife's complaints after searching in his nightstand.

-You left him in my room. -Frisk comments seeing the partner open the bedroom door with a visibly irritated look.

-And why didn't you bring him back to my room? -The biggest complaints by going into the hallway while closing the door.

-Because you didn't ask me to bring it. -Frisk responds by going to his room running and being chased by Chara.

-Then, I think you'd better bring him back to my hand. -He asked Chara after grabbing Frisk to prevent his escape.

"-But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms

And if you like having secret little rendezvous

Charisk - One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon