Bad Decisions (Yandere!)

Start from the beginning

"Why would you ask?"

"Torch's bar. 11:30."


"Its okay though. I understand. You wanted another woman, but... Well... You didn't want me to leave, after all, I was the one who went to work, paid the bills, did the chores, cooked you food, and gaVE YOU A HOME. But it's fine. I guess they did get one thing right about us orphans. We know how to lie, cheat, steal, and abandon what we hate." his face was grim, and his golden eyes stared daggers at me.

"You... You... You weren't supposed to know that." his face fell. He looked guilty, but not ashamed. His hand grabbed for mine and I struggled to get away.

"Come here."

"N-no! I'm leaving!"

"No, you're coming home and going to bed while I take a shower and we're going to forget this ever happened."

"You make me laugh. Get away from me creep!" his blue hair fell into his eyes and he smiled.

"C-creep?" his hands started to shake. A slow, villainous chuckle escaped his mouth. He took my hand and started to drag me, but I resisted and he was caught off guard. I had to find a way to escape. He was still fighting to get me home.

Not thinking of the repercussions I jumped into the river. A scream of "no!" is all I heard before the cold shock came over me. I couldn't move to react and I knew that this was it. I moved my hand to my chest and suddenly remembered that that boy placed something in my hand. When I saw it, it was beautiful. The gemstone was glowing, an iridescent, beautiful, green. I didn't know what it meant but at this point my lungs were going to burst. I swam up to the surface and breathed in drastically. The river was unfamiliar from where I was.

Just out of the corner of my eye I could see him frantically trying to take the stuff off that was weighing him down. I knew that he was going to come in after me, so I swam faster. I soon regretted my choice. The little foot fall that I was swimming towards had rocks below it. I tried to swim back but the current was too strong. I felt myself panic and that's when I screamed.

"Help me!" my voice yelled at anyone listening. The pair of fish-like hands that sprang up and collected me pulled me under faster than I could realize what was happening. We swam to the deepest part of the river and someone grabbed my foot. I couldn't be concerned because for all I know I was about to die. My lungs were gonna explode if I didn't get air. But the owner of the hands spun me around and pushed air into my system by kissing me. The hand on my leg grabbed the creature, attempting to separate us. It shoved me a way and pushed me towards a deeper current, and I hit my head against a rock.

When I woke, I was in a cozy bed, it was so soft, I felt like never leaving. But upon turning, I see someone standing by the door of the bed. I sit up quickly, noticing that I didn't have anything but underwear on. I squeal and grab at the sheets.

"Ah, sorry! I had to get you out of those human clothes before bringing you back here. But don't worry, you don't look appealing. This is normal dress for us." He comforted. But it still frazzled you.

"Human?" You asked as he backed away.

"Well, these fins aren't exactly feet, right?" He asked, and that's when I noticed that there before me was a merman.

"The names Conch, Conch Shell. It's very stereotypical, but that's my name!" He smiled. For the oddest of reasons, his sparkling pink fins and golden hair calmed me down. But then another question arose.

"How am I here? If here is um... Underwater?"

Conch laughed.

"I think that's for prince Umi to tell. Until then, how about we get you suited." He started to swim into what I could only assume was a closet. The room I was in had soft sea grass floor, the ceiling was made of glass and there were beautiful fish swimming to and fro. I stared wide eyed at everything. There was a desk made of coral, and a few shells floated around.

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