One Of My Many Mistakes

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Okay, so I know these chapters are short, but they are needed before I get into the actual story. Please tell me what you think.

"Sarai! Sarai, where are you?" I hear Hali call from the other end of the hall. "Oh, never mind! I can see you now." I close my locker and turn to face her, a smile playing on my face.

"Yeah, yeah. No need to announce it to the whole school though" I teased her gently, brushing my long black hair off my face to see her better.

She laughed, and it echoed through the corridors. Hali was the life and soul of the school, bubbly, blonde and gorgeous, she was tall and athletic, and for some reason, my best friend. Actually, she was my ONLY friend. We had known each other when we were in kindergarten, when she had been the only one brave enough to come up and talk to me, but it had only been in the last year that she had started to actually talk to me. She thought I had changed, overcome my "condition."

She often pretended she was just another ditzy blonde, but anyone who knew her knew she was anything else. Yes, she was loud and flirtatious, but her mind was sharper than anyone I had ever met. Sometimes, this was a blessing; other times, her ability to discern exactly when someone was upset caused more problems than it solved.

"So," Hali drawled as she linked our arms together. "Are you coming to Olivia's party tonight?"

I stopped in surprise and looked at her. "Are you insane?" She knew I never went to parties. I could never be bothered to go and be ridiculed for my sense of style. So what if I never took my sunglasses off? Didn't mean they had the right to call me a vampire.

Hali blushed and looked down. "Oh, right. Sorry."


That was the last time Hali looked in my direction. Nicely, at least. Never would I have thought Hali, my best friend, had it in her. That night she went to Olivia's . She met Nathaniel. And she found out that I hadn't changed. She told me I had lied to her. She told me what I had always dreaded hearing from anyone.

"You don't belong here, you freak."

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