Chapter 10: Welcome to Beacon Pt. 2

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Beacon's ballroom

After a couple hours, night had already fallen into place; almost everyone was already on the ballroom sleeping or playing around, on one area around the back, Ruby lay on her respective sleeping bag writing some letter.

Yang: It's like a big...

Yang bumped into the sleeping bag next to Ruby's.

Yang: Slumber party!!

Ruby: I don't think Dad will aprove all the boys though...

Yang: I know I do...*purr*~

Yang looked around the room, looking at all the boys, but one specifically was missing.

Yang: Hmm? Where's that guy?

Ruby: Which one?

Yang: The one of before, you know, the serious one, with his......"dress"?

Ruby: You mean---

Ruby felt how a chill ran down her spine.

Yang: What's wrong?

Ruby: N-Nothing.....It's just....

Ruby remebered the face of (Y/N) when she said the word "ninja"

Ruby: Eeek!!

Ruby felt some chill going across her body, making her tremble for a couple seconds.

Yang: Uh......anyways, what's that?

Ruby: A letter to the gang back at Signal, I promised them to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going.

Yang: Awww, that's so cuuuuutee!!

Ruby threw a pillow at  Yang knocking her back to her sleeping bag.

Ruby: Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends to school, it's weird  not knowing anyone here...

Yang: What about Jaune? He's.....nice.....and that (Y/N) guy and the other girl? There you go! Plus three more friends!!

Ruby: (Y/N) and Momiji can't even remeber my name and we have never had an actual conversation.....and I'm pretty sure that Weiss counts as a negative friend......back to zero....

Yang: There's no thing like a negative friend, you just made one friend and one enemy!!

Ruby threw another pillow to Yang.

Yang: *sitting up* Hmm? Isn't that the quirky girl?

Ruby looked at the entrance of the ballroom

Momiji was using a red checked pajamas, varying the intensity of the squares.

Momiji was using a red checked pajamas, varying the intensity of the squares

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Boys: Ohhh!!

Almost every boy blushed at the instant they looked at her, some of them even start to cry with hapiness while getting into a pray position

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