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It had been a whole week since I damaged the wall in my basement. I ignored my condition as much as I could and I thought it would be a good idea to never even try to use my power and just live a normal life. When I saw that this liquid in me was just functioning like normal blood, transporting oxygen throughout my blood and whatnot, not having any health problems, just being able to hang out with friends, being able to catch up with school and not having any more strange dreams, it all felt enough for a normal life.

Or so I thought.

When I woke up that Sunday morning, I couldn't feel my bed at all. I opened my eyes and saw a flash of light from my right side that had the window which didn't have the curtains drawn and as soon as I did, I saw my bed about six feet below me.

I was levitating.

On top of that, my room was filled with black smoke.

I screamed out at the top of my lungs and fell down to the bed immediately after.

SMOKE?! What the fuck?! Did I leave the gas on or something?!

I decided to ignore the fact that I was levitating and fully opened up the window immediately but the smoke still didn't get out properly, only small amounts of it were able to get out as I noticed how it wasn't regular smoke, it was a little cold as if it came from a refrigerator and I could breathe through it as if it was normal air. The smoke also seemed quite dense which must've been why it wasn't automatically getting out even though there was an open window in the room. I began to hyperventilate.

Where did this come from? Did somebody gas my house for fun? What sort of smoke is this even? I left my window a bit open, maybe someone threw a gas can through that.

I ran downstairs to check if I had left the gas on but as soon as I got out of my room, there was no more smoke. Downstairs was clear. After I jumped to the conclusion that the black smoke was caused by some sort of harmless prank by Heston, I sat down on my couch in the spacious living room that was to the right of the kitchen and started thinking about how I woke up.

Levitate? I can fucking levitate?! Why?! Why is this happening to me?!

I felt scared again and I couldn't calm down. I never asked for any of it. I didn't want it at all.

I screamed out of frustration as I furiously ran my hands through my hair.

I then walked over to the light switch right next to the empty doorframe that led to the kitchen and flicked it on only to be met with a flickering light that died within a second.

Why does this always happen when I'm scared?

Wait, what was that flash of light when I woke up?

I walked upstairs, into my room and then over to my window and looked outside just to see a clear and sunny day. I ignored it and walked over to my bathroom to freshen up and after a few minutes came back down to the living room with my phone in hand but I was surprised to see no new messages from Sarah as I would usually wake up to see the opposite on weekends.

I then checked the time. It was only eight in the morning.

I'm usually out cold this early on weekends.

I decided to spend the day watching TV or using my phone. Anything that could distract me. I then saw Heston's name as I was just going through my messages. I could feel myself getting angrier each second. I called and was greeted by a sleepy Heston.

"How are you up so early?"

"Do you not remember what happened last time?! I was sent to the fucking hospital and you think using some sort of harmless smoke this time wouldn't get me mad?! Are you fucking serious?!"

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