Chapter Nine

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-Are you ready?-I asked Jalena after she opened the door.

–Yeah. –She simply said. She looked so cute in her black stretchy looking skinny jeans or are those leggings?

Anyways, she had a thick, long dark gray sweater with white pears on the neckline and sleeves, black over-the-knee boots, and the most beautiful smile I ever saw. She didn't have much makeup except some foundation and mascara, which made her look so natural.

–You look lovely.-I said as we got inside my car.

–Thank you. You look nice too.-She smiled.

I was dressed in black jeans, a white sweater, and a black scarf. Even if it was snowing, it was actually pretty warm, so there was no need to wear a coat, though Jalena had a white hat with a gray pom-pom and knitted gloves.

–Did you take a scarf?-I asked. She shook her head.

–My best friend made this sweater for me, and she made it in a special way. The inside of the neck area is thicker on the inside, but you can't really tell from the outside. –She said.

–That's cool.-I said. She nodded awkwardly. I turned on the radio and Christmas music filled in the car. In a couple minutes we came to our destination. I was surprised that she didn't ask where we are going.

–You brought me to an ice-skating ring?-She asked in surprise.

–You want to go somewhere else? –I asked. She shook her head quickly.

–I just forgot how to skate.-She said. I smiled.

–I'll teach you again, then.-I said. Jalena sent back a grateful smile. 

We went outside and went to the booth to rent the skates.

–Hello.-I said to the lady. She looked at me like I was a piece of meat.

–Hi there, charming. You want to skate?-She asked. I roll my eyes inwardly.

–Yes. I'd like two pair of skates.-I said and turned to Jalena. –What size are you?-I asked.

–Eight.-She said.

–An eight and an eleven.-I said. The lady looked over at Jalena and gave her a cold look.

–Wait, I know you!-She exclaimed all of the sudden. Jalena looked confused. –You're Jalena! I'm Amanda, remember?-She asked.

–Hello, bully.-Jalena smiled. –How did you get so low?-She teased. Amanda scoffed and laughed.

–I love watching people skate.-She said. –Oh, come over here, brat!-She said after getting out her booth. The women hugged each other tight. –I missed you so much!-She said. –I missed you too, rat.-Jalena teased.

-Manda, I want you to meet my fiancé Daniel. Dan, this is my high school bully and best friend, Amanda.-Jalena said.

–Nice to meet you.-I said to Amanda, shaking her hand. She smiled.

–I am so happy that you're over Nick! He is such an arrogant, ugly, stupid, cold, and cocky jerk!-She says. Jalena laughed.–I'd add of few words, but Momma will get me in trouble.-She joked.

–Well, I have other people to take care of, go have fun!-Amanda said and gave us our skates. We thanked her and went to the ring. Jalena sat down on the bench, trying to put her skates on.

–Here let me help you.-I said kneeling down in front of her. She blushed.

As I helped, a bright white flash flashed behind us. I looked around and saw a guy taking pictures.

–You guys are cute.-He said. –You don't mind me taking pictures of you?-He asked. –I take pictures of the ice skating ring.- I looked at Jalena, who smiled, shaking her head.

I helped her up and put my hand on her waist. The man snapped another photo of us and left. I put my skates on and we went inside the ring.

–Are you ready?-I asked. She shook her head smiling. I took her hands and we glided on ice.

–I can do it!-She squealed. –I seriously thought I forgot!-She laughed as we held hands and skated around the ring.

The snowflakes came down lightly, but we didn't care. There would be flashes behind or in front of us sometimes, but we ignored them.

For around an hour we skated, laughing, talking, and getting to know each other more. I kissed her cool forehead once and watching her blush, made my heart flutter.

–Thank you. This was the best date ever, and I had so much fun.-She said softly, after we returned the skates. I smiled back at her.

–I'm glad you did.-I said and we stopped walking. I turned my head to look on the ice ring again and saw her face almost next to mine.

Confused, I turned my head to her and felt warm, soft lips touch mine. I was stunned. She stepped back as if I was fire.

–I'm s-sorry.-She stuttered. –I meant t-the cheek, n-not, -l-lips.-She said. 

I smiled and dipped my head to meat her lips. She tasted sweet like strawberry lemonade. I pulled back.

–You hungry?-I asked. She stood there frozen.

-Jalena?-She looked at me. -You hungry?-I asked again. 

She nodded absently.

–Let's go, there is a café nearby.-I said and we walked to the small, cozy looking building.

–Welcome to SnowCoCo, what would you like today?-A middle aged woman asked us after we sat down.

–Two specials and two cups of hot SnoCo. –I said. She nodded and went away.

–What's SnoCo?-Jalena asked.

–Hot cocoa with marshmallows. The way they make it, it seems like there's snow in the cocoa, and it's very delicious. –I answered. In about ten minutes, our orders were placed on our table.

–Thank you.-We said in unison. The lady smiled.

The air was filled with a giant, freshly baked cinnamon roll with hot white glaze over it with a cup of how cocoa with a snowman out of mushrooms chilling there inside.

–Oh, this is so cute!-Jalena gushed over the snowman.

–Sorry, it's not a three-course meal.-I apologized.

–Are you kidding me?-She exclaimed. –First of all, you've done so much for me already! Second of all, this cinnamon roll is so big I'm going to be full in three seconds. Plus, the snowman covers everything.-She winked. I smiled at her. We chatted about our jobs, barely finishing our buns.

-By the way, how long are we going to do this?-I asked when we were driving back to her house.

–Until the day we get married.-She said. Hope filled my heart.-I'm kidding. We can play it off with a fight a bit later, or when we leave, we just go apart and remain friends or something.-She said.

My heart was shattered in million pieces.         

Engaged to a StrangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora