Cabin in the woods

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I bat open my eyes as the sound of voices wake me.

"Shh, she's waking up," a man says. I open my eyes and try to move but can't due to being restrained. I go to speak but feel a strip of duct tape wrapped around my mouth. Tears flow from my eyes as I realized what just happened.

I had been kidnapped.

I begin to breath heavily as the blonde man I sat next to in the car puts a hand on my thigh.

"Breathe, darling, you'll be fine," he tells me.

"Niall, what the fuck. She's not your friend," the familiar brown haired man says from the front. The blonde next to me shuts up and looks out the window. I try to move my wrists but find them tied with rope. I look down to see my feet tied in rope as well. I look out the window to see nothing but trees.

I'm never getting out of this

I begin to cry harder and breathe heavily. I try to talk but end up coughing causing my nose to run. I can feel my makeup run and I think of my mom, my dad, my life, and my life before today; my life before I was taken.

I being to breath heavier as 'Niall' looks my way. We make eye contact and for a moment I can see a glimpse of empathy in his eyes. I stare at him as I cry and he looks into the rear view mirror.

"Harry," Niall says.

"No, Niall. The tape stays on," Harry says.

"Please," I try to say but it comes out more muffled than expected.

Harry slams on the brakes and we all jolt forward as the car comes to a halt. Since everyone was wearing a seatbelt but me I end up slamming my face into the back of the passenger seat's headrest and let out a muffled scream before I begin crying harder. He turns around as green meets and stares into green.

"Shut, up. Quit fucking crying." I let out a sob which causes him to take a breath.

"Shut up!" He screams and I go silent as tears flow from my eyes. I can't help but let out a muffled sob which causes Harry to look at Niall.

"Put her in the trunk," he says and presses a button causing a click to be heard. I begin screaming as Niall opens his door. He comes around to my side as I continue to scream. He opens my door and pulls me out gently, as if I can't be anymore damaged.

He carries me to the back of the car and lifts the lid of the trunk causing me to thrash harder. He carefully pushes me in the trunk and gives me a soft glance. 

"Harry has a very short temper, please be careful. I don't want you ending up like the others," he says and my eyes go wide. What happened to the others?

He closes the trunk and everything goes black as I'm left alone with my thoughts.

After what seems like forever, the car slows down and comes to a stop. I hear three doors open and close before the trunk is opened and light floods the small space.

This time, I come face to face with Liam. His tattooed arms reach forward and I swing my legs around and kick him in the stomach. He grunts and his eyes change from calm and nearly caring to dark and hateful. He reaches forward and grabs me, dragging me out of the trunk. He tosses me over his shoulder as I scream through the tape as it's come loose from all my crying.

"Help! Help!" I thrash and swing my legs but don't do much damage.

"Help me, please! Somebody help me!"

"Keep screaming sweetheart, no one's going to hear you out here." His words don't stop me from screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Shut up before I duct tape your mouth shut again," Harry's booming voice says loudly, which also doesn't keep me from screaming.

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