Chapter 15 : The Big Announcement

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A knock from her door awaken Yura from her sleep.

"hi honey~ how's your sleep?" She rushes to her daughter's bed upon seeing her state, "are you okay? why are you crying?" 

Yura is sweating and have teary eyes.

"I'm okay mom... Just had a bad dream. Good morning." Yura gave her mother a quick hug in return upon getting her half body up from lying on the bed before continuing, "mom... why did I forget about him?"

"who honey?... Jonghyun? I don't know too..." caressing her daughter's hair, "But you remember him now. It's all that matters."

With that, Yura took her mom's hand and squeezes it, "I'm sorry mom." She paused, closing her eyes for a few seconds before heaving a deep sigh, "I lied to you that day. The truth is... I only remembered playing with someone before but his face is not that clear, I thought it was him but..."

Ji-won stared at her, still processing the confession.

Back then when she learned that AhYoung lost a part of her memories broke her heart into pieces. She can't accept it. The doctor explained that it was only for a short period of time and so, she did everything for her daughter to remember but AhYoung cried in so much pain. After that, she refrain from telling her everything and waited until it comes back naturally.

She was so happy and relieved when AhYoung told her that her memory has return and that she need not to worry about her anymore.

'but all this time, my daughter is not fully recovered yet. what kind of a mother I am!?' Ji-won  hugs her daughter tightly to hide her tears.

"And there is this boy from my dream too... I was begging for him to stay by my side but he vanished. It was so sad to the point of waking up crying..."

Ji-won pushes Yura just enough to cupped its face in her hands.

"Don't think too much honey. It is just a nightmare. That boy didn't vanished totally. He was just gone for a while and now has come back to be your husband."

The two exchanges a sweet smile to each other.

"l'm sorry to interrupt your heart to heart talk but we have an interview to attend to this morning and we are getting late..." Ji-won's son appeared leaning at the door.

"oppa!" Yura pouted from seeing him.

"okay! I'll leave you now for you to prepare..." Ji-won gave out a kiss on Yura's forehead. "make yourself gorgeous today!" she continued before exiting.

"I'll go ahead too..."

"Oppaaaa!!!" Yura shouted. "yah! Dong Wook! You have something to confess to me..."

"I don't have anything to confess to my baby sister..."

She throws daggers at him, 'you better talk now.'

"okay.okay." raising his hands on both sides in defeat, "I don't mean to keep it from you. If I did tell you, you will surely not opposed in getting engaged with that man. I must test him first before giving you out...."

"what do you take me for?"

"a love-struck!?" DongWook mocking her dear sister earning him a flying pillow. Having fast reflexes, he avoids getting hit from his face and catches it instead. "I'm done here. And listen to mom. Make yourself gorgeous so as to not get that man having second thoughts..." He turned his back to her coolly, placing his both hands on his pocket.

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