Chapter 4: Strike Three//Part One

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-Next Day, Sapphire POV-

The light of the sun shines against my face. "Ugh!" I groaned in aggravation. "I hate mornings..." I sit up looking around as I spot the four who woke me encased in ice leaving their heads out making me smirk as I stand and walk over to them only to find out that all of them was awake. "Good morning."

"S-Sis...can y-you l-let us g-go?" Ruby asked shivering.

"Why should I? You know the rules."

"W-We're sorry! P-Please let us o-out..." Yang begged.

"......." I looked at the girl in black. "What's your name?" I asked ignoring their pleads.

"B-Blake..." She said as her bow twitched...what?

"...Well please to meet you Blake, I'm Sapphire, older twin sister of Ruby and younger sister of Yang."

"L-Likewise..." I see her bow twitch again...oh I see...I then go to Ruby's bag and pull out her cookies.

"M-My Cookies!" She yelled.

I just walked towards her and waved the bag in her face. "You want them?"


"Oh...too bad." I opened the bag and poured the cookies on the floor before stepping on them.

"No!" She cried out before glaring at me a bit with tears in the corners of her eyes. "Y-You're evil..."

I then look at the Schnee.

"How can I piss you off..?" I looked and spotted her bag. "Perfect..." I walked over to her bag as she sees this.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled waiting for an answer.

"You'll see..." I made it to her bag and dug around in it then my eyes landed on her wallet. "Perfect." I pulled it out and waved it showing the group.

"That's mine!"

"No shit? Well let's see." I opened it and look at her ID. "...Weiss Schnee...hmph...I guess it checks out..." I then see her credit cards. "Oh lookie here." I held them in my left hand as I made ice scissors in my right hand making Weiss eyes widened.

"N-No please don't do what I think you're going to do..."

"Oh? And why should I?"

"I'll ugh...I'll...."

"......" I sighed. "We'll talk later Weiss."

I put her stuff up while keeping one of her credit cards before looking at Yang and smirked as I walked towards her.


I reached my hand up to her hair grabbing a single thread.

"D-Don't you d-dare..."

I just smirked as I plucked it from her pretty little head and showing it to her thus pissing her off.

" work here is done." I break everyone free except Yang letting her cool down before I left to the cafeteria.


After I got dressed I made it to the divine area where food was and is created...the cafeteria.

*Breathes in* "Ahh~ I love the smell of food in the morning." I said to no one in particular as I head over to get my breakfast before deciding on waffles, once I got said breakfast and sat down a girl with short orange hair came up to me and sat down with a plate of pancakes along with a friend of hers I assume.

"Do you like waffles?!" She asked me kinda excited.

"Umm...yes?" I said unsure of where this is going.

She grins. "Do you like pancakes!?"

I raised an eyebrow at her. "...Yes?"

"Do you like french toast?!"


She goes to say something but her friend covered her mouth as he sighed softly.

"I'm sorry for Nora... she's very..."

"Hyper?" I asked as he nods.

"Anyway I'm Lie Ren, and this is Nora Valkyrie."

"Sapphire Rose, pleasure to meet you you."

"Likewi-" He quickly moved his hand away from Nora's mouth and I quickly understood why as Nora had had her tongue out.

"That's so childish..." I stated as I ate a mouthful of my waffles.

"Anyway! I heard that there wher-" She started as I tuned her out as I spotted a boy with a blue trench coat with slick back hair white hair.

"He looks familiar..." I mumbled to myself.

He scans the room/cafeteria and spots me looking at him as we have a stare down...after a few seconds past both our eyes widened as I shot up out my seat pointing at him while both yelled.

"It's you!"

-3rd POV-

The people in the cafeteria watch as Sapphire and the boy walked to each other becoming face to face.

"You're that troublesome girl from the shop..."

"And you're that boy in the black and red tux..."

"Thanks to you and your sister, you cost us our pay!"

"Well if you and your 'buddys' didn't corner me and my sister and provoke us then you probably would've gotten 'your pay!"

"You have some nerve to talk to me this way..."

"Says the one cornering two helpless girls~" Sapphire smirked as the boy eyes widened.

"Wait a mi-"

"Don't you know how we felt? Two 15 years old girl getting cornered by a group of boys, I guess you really did want 'your pay'~"

The people in the cafeteria started whispering to each other as Sapphire gave the boy a sly smirk.

"Why you litt-"

"What is this that I hear about you and Ruby being cornered by boys!" They both turned seeing Ruby and a pissed off Yang.

~...Well this just came to a critical point...I didn't want this kid to die on his first day....~ Sapphire thought to herself a bit conflicted on continuing the act or not.

"Cornered by boys?" Ruby thought to herself. "Oh! You mean when we was at From Dust Till Dawn!"

Sapphire sighed as she kinda had no choice but to continue. "Yep, and this guy was one of them..." She said pointing to the boy.

Yang now had a target to let out her anger on. "He was huh?" Her hair was in literal flames.

'Sorry!' Sapphire mouthed towards the boy.

"Wha-" He couldn't finish as he was punched across the cafeteria towards the food.

"NOOO!" Sapphire and Nora yelled as he crashed into the food.

-Sapphire POV-

As the guy crashed into the blessing of that we call food I dropped to my knees. "...They did nothing! They were innocent Yang!" I shouted as I made a mental note.




...Strike One...

To Be Continued...

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