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'I'll do it myself.'

Diana awoke with a gasp, her hand immediately reaching for where she was stabbed. She felt a strange fabric and realised that she wasn't wearing her armour. She glanced down, seeing a white gown, and then took time to notice the room she was in. Everything was an off white colour, orange lights were placed around the room and made Diana feel oddly calm.

She lifted up the gown to see a white bandage over where she was stabbed, and sat up from her spot. Reaching towards the bandage, she ripped it off discovering only a mere scratch was there.

She panicked slightly, trying to find where her belongings were, and let out a relieved sigh as she found them underneath the blinding white examination table.

She quickly put them on and called for all her weapons which immediately appeared by her side.

Diana placed the shield on her back as well as her sword and lasso on either of her sides.

She walked towards what she thought was the door, but it didn't have a handle. She tapped against it carefully trying to see if i was some sort of touch-screen door but it wouldn't budge.

"There goes being stealthy." Diana muttered to herself as she walked backwards. She then ran forward, throwing herself into the door and knocking it down.

She then found herself in a light blue coloured hallway with not a single person in sight. Her relief was short-lived as a siren then began ring throughout the whole building. Diana groaned at how loud it was and covered her ears, running through the halls trying to figure a way out. She made it down one floor and accidentally ran into the glass window. She then paused to quickly see the place she was in. Ships were all flying in the air as if they were cars in traffic, and from where she was, Diana could spot an extremely large stadium amongst the tall buildings.

"What is this place?" She muttered to herself.

Turning around, Diana saw three armed creatures with cloths covering half their face. They exclaimed in their alien language that Diana could just barely understand.

"Seize her!"

"I think I made a wrong turn." Diana smiled innocently, turning back around and racing down the hall, she could hear them run after her, firing their guns. She turned another corner and ran into somebody. She heard a glass shatter and looked up at who it was.

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