Clashes, Crashes, and Crushes

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The girl band that consisted of Leia, Maggie, Rachel, and Annabelle, sat on the floor of studio B. It was the studio used for The Next Step's B Troupe, or any recreational classes that the studio hosted. There was nothing scheduled for today however, so they had been given permission to use it for A Troupe business. 

While Summer and Amy had nearly their whole duet choreographed, and were now just focusing on the small details, the musicians were still struggling to choose a song to match. Leia wanted to use one of her solo songs, then create a band remix of it, while Annabelle wanted to do a song they already knew and could perform well. Maggie and Rachel were in two minds, wanting to bring something new to the performance but also make sure they would do it well.

"Look, why won't we just learn my song now? We can have it done by the end of rehearsal." Leia spoke as if no one was going to oppose her view. She watched her band members pull disgruntled faces.

Maggie frowned, "Well why don't we rehearse one we already know as a group? It could be perfect by the end of rehearsal."

Leia didn't like being challenged, but both Annabelle and Rachel were glad Maggie did it. They would rather Maggie be in the firing line than themselves.  

Rachel sighed, "I agree with Maggie, it's not supposed to be a hard challenge, we're supposed to just be showcasing our best work, right?"

Leia muttered miserably, "Maggie just doesn't want a hard challenge because she's got so much on her plate with Jacquie..."  


Leia and Maggie looked at each other with intent, then Maggie rolled her eyes, realising that Leia was obviously still jealous of the fact she got to do two performances. In some ways, it was understandable, because Maggie had been singled out, but there hadn't really been another option when there had been  more dances than musicians available. To be honest, Maggie knew that Leia probably wouldn't have minded as much if it had been anyone else that got to do two performances. It was a personal issue.

Amy and Summer detected the obvious tension between the band, and knowing that their dance was pretty much performance ready, stood awkwardly and tried to get the band's attention. Once they did, Amy smiled, "We're gonna go get some drinks, do you guys want anything?" Honestly, they were just trying to get out of the current atmosphere.

Rachel nodded and took some coins from the pocket of her jeans, "Can I have a lemonade please?" Summer took her money and nodded, waiting for the other girls to request things, but they politely shook their heads. They knew the situation was tense and had an argument brewing.

"Okay... We'll be back soon, come on Amy." Summer led the way, with Rachel's money in hand, and Amy followed her. They hoped that in their absence, the girls would be able to figure out their issues and actually make a decision, otherwise, their collaboration was going to flop.


Upstairs in studio A, the male dancers and Kenzie had scheduled a rehearsal with Jude and Eva. They were making steady progress and their creative process was going smoothly. Jude would provide them with a beat and lyrics, and the dancers would got through their choreo, making alterations and developments as they went, to ensure the performance would be the best it could be.

Kingston, Finn and Ozzy were working on a section of the dance, that they were now doing with Kenzie in Noah's place. Henry was also supposed to be in the section, except he was running late and hadn't arrived yet. They were doing their best to teach Kenzie, but as Henry was supposed to be at the front of their formation, it was proving difficult, even though Kenzie was a quick learner.  

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