"Oh Doktor, you are funny man. Dat is just proving Heavy's point." Heavy squeezed Medic's shoulders, "Y/n has shown plenty of interest in you. You are too oblivious to realise." Medic huffed out a breath and frowned. "Vhat do jou zhink I should do zhen?" Heavy shrugged, "Confess to your feelings. Let your love blossom into beauty. Besides, others have already tried to get Y/n to confess."

Medic nodded and smiled at his friend. "Jou speak vords of high visdom. I vill tell Y/n. I vill do it!" Medic almost puffed out his chest with confidence, "Danke Heavy. Jou are truly a great friend." He shook the large man's hand and jogged out of the Medbay. It was evening and most mercenaries retired to their individual rooms by now. He stopped at your door.

Medic's fist raised to your door but then stopped. Every ounce of courage he had drained away. He felt his palms start to sweat. He took a deep breath but lost courage again. He lowered his fist and sighed. "Medic?" The German let out a yelp and jumped. You looked at him, slightly shocked, "Are you alright?" He quickly wiped his hands on his pants. "Y/n! I vas just, uh, looking for somezhing!"

You rose a brow, "Looking for what?" He racked his brain, trying to come up with something he loses often. "My glasses, have jou seen zhem?" You chuckled, "You're wearing them." His cheeks lit up violently, "I a-am?" He turned around, felt around on his nose, and found them, "Vell vould jou l-look at zhat, I am." You patted his shoulder, "You're just tired, do you need me to walk you back to your room grandpa?"

He rolled his eyes, "Haha very funny." He turned back to you and couldn't help but smile. "I am not zhat old anyvay." You smiled, "I was just joking, besides, I know you think I'm funny." You smirked at him, "You know what I didn't know about you?" He rose a brow, "Vhat?" You stepped closer to him, "You thought you were allergic to something I wear."

Medic's eyes widen, "V-vhat? Vhat are jou t-talking about?" You smiled, "Don't play dumb, I heard some of your conversation with Heavy." He started to blush again, "H-how?" You smiled, "I was on a walk, you left your window open." He blinked quickly and placed his hands on his cheeks, trying to hide his blush. "Und jou l-listened?" His voice cracked and you laughed, "Hey don't get defensive about it!"

You placed a hand on his shoulder, "I think it's sweet." He looked at you, "Sveet? Vhat about zhat is sveet?" You took his hands, "Well for one you're a dork. A really big and adorable dork. You are also a nerd, so much of a nerd, that you didn't know what attraction feels like." He rolled his eyes and you laced your fingers with his. "Even though you are those things, Heavy was right. I seem to have fallen for you. I fell so hard that I broke my leg. I mean who's better to break a leg with than you? You're a doctor and the most amazing person in this world."

"I know that you will take care of me because you already do. Medic, you make it worth waking up in the morning and going to work." Medic had a shocked look on his face but he smiled. "Vell, I zhought zhat I vould be zhe first one to say it. I guess I'm not as clever as I zhought. I guess in a vay I vas, since jou heard me say it."

You nodded, "Fair enough." He smiled at you and pulled you in for an embrace, "Zhere is just so much to love about jou. The varmzh in jour eyes, jour intelligence, even jour voice. Jou know, I could listen to jou for hours." Your cheeks began to heat up which made him chuckle, "Spending time vis jou is zhe highlight of my day, no vone is as funny or caring as jou."

"I love jou vis everyzhing I own, including Archimedes. For jou to love me is so vonderful to zhink of. I vant to be a better man just so I can be vorthy of zhat." You could just feel the heat increasing in your cheeks. He placed his hands on your cheeks and pecked your forehead. "Vould jou do me zhe honor und go out vis me?" You placed your hands on his and nodded, smiling ear to ear. "I would love to." He hugged you tighter and smiled.

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