Change of Plans

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It's been a week since our trip to Auntie Renge's private island. It was Saturday, and Monday was a holiday, so three day weekend! I was watching (movie), when I got a call. I looked and saw it was Leo.

"Hey." I said pausing my movie.

"Hey. I was wondering..." he started.

"Yesh??" I inquired.

"Well, you know how I currently am attending college?" He asked.

"Mhm." I answered.

"Well, our school is holding a banquet. And its guys choice... so I was wondering... would you be my date?" He asked.

"Sure. When is it??" I asked.

"Next Sunday. At Ouran, it starts at 8. I'll come by and pick you up at 7." He said.

"Sounds good." I said and we hung up.

I then texted my uncles. "I need a dress for a college banquet." They immediately responded with.

"Why are you going to a college banquet and with who?!"

After explaining, they said they'd start working on my dress. That they'd also each make one dress that was the best of their designs.

On Friday, Saiki came over. We were laying on the couch. I had my back against an arm rest, with both my legs out on the couch. Saiki had his head against my stomach, with his body between my legs. I had a movie playing and playing with Saiki's hair at the same time, while he would occasionally feed me popcorn. I saw a notification on my phone and Saiki was nice to give me my phone. I checked and it was a text from my Uncles.

"We're coming in!!" It said and just in time, the front door opened. Saiki immediately sat up and moved to the opposite side of the couch. My uncles found me and I smiled and hugged them.

"You should have warned me! I could've made you some food!" I pouted as they set their boxes that held the dresses aside.

"We wanted to surprise you Kitten." Uncle Hikaru said pinching my cheek and I smiled.

"Whose this?" Uncle Kaoru asked looking at Saiki.

"A friend from school." I said smiling.

"My name is Saiki Kusuo, it's nice to meet you." Saiki said respectfully.

"Oh alright, now for the dresses! You never told us the theme, so we made 3 dresses." Uncle Kyoya said.

" Uncle Kyoya said

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