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So Once again, we have another The Promised Neverland x Reader story and this time, itd a ZOMBIE AU!!! WOHOOOOO LMAO ENJOYYYY6Y😂



I look out the window, contemplating on the things that have happened to me today. The wind whistles softly against my window, the soft pitter patter of rain prevents me from opening it just the slightest.

Sighing, I take out my sketchpad and charcoal pencil from inside my satchel, my hands flip the pages to a blank one, my lips purse, I realize that I don't have an actual idea as to what I am supposed to draw. Oh god, my mind plagued with thoughts, visions, questions.

I am y/n, a 13 year old girl. Having no idea as to where I live nor where my house is located, my father left me when I was 11 years old, it's been almost 3 years and nothing. No contact whatsoever was made, and it saddens me, sometimes I think he died, or perhaps just plainly forgot about me and left me with the acursed woman. Her, my so-called 'guardian', Auntie Margaret. I close my eyes as I trail a hand over my arms, Aunt Margaret hates me. I have no idea why but it's like my existence makes her angry, she couldn't care about whether I'm sick or if I get hurt, she doesn't feed me so I tend to make my own food.

My brows furrow as I try to think of what my father use to look like, I remember his smile, that soft, kind smile that seemed contagious. The way he looks at me with love and care like any father would look at his newborn baby. I frown, feeling my heart drop, this always happens when I think of father. That familiar sink in my chest, the way my nose hurts as my vision goes blurry when tears well up in my greyish blue eyes.

And as my memories of when we were happy, when I was happy starts to flood into my head, I couldn't help but cry. My heart ached with frustration, with disappointment, a longing, longing for an answer. "why did you leave me father..." I mutter, my tears roll down my slightly chubby cheeks as I remember all the things that have happened to me, all the good and the bad. I hug the sketchpad close to my chest so that my tears won't stain it.

That night I cried, I cried and cried until the familliar tiredness lulled me to sleep.


The sun shone through the windows of the car that I am in, my body slightly shook with how the car moved as it went on towards the location Aunt Margaret has in mind. Fear creeps into my body, thinking of where we were possibly going, I stay silent knowing the woman will get angry if I ask the same question twice, instead I look out, trees outline the woods. A bit amazed by the scenery I continue on looking at everything my eyes lay upon, it has been years since I've been outside, like outside the comforts of where we lived, I do tend to go out when Aunt Margaret was asleep but I could only manage to reach just the front and the back lawn of the house, in fear of Aunt Margaret catching me.

My hands are sweaty, as it is rather hot inside the car and Aunt doesn't want me to open the window or else the papers piled beside her in the front would fly. I huff and start to play I spy with my imaginary friend, it's ridiculous really, 16 years old and still with that stuff. After a while I got bored, deciding I should sleep instead and did so after a while of glancing at the woman driving.

Fight Until Z END || The Promised Neverland X Reader (ZombieApocalypseAU!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن