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"No!" I yelled seeing the two break away from one another to look at me, my heart was pounding harder into my chest.

"No!" I yelled seeing the two break away from one another to look at me, my heart was pounding harder into my chest

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"This is who you are are a murderer...a killer. Embrace loved feeling the bones crush in your grip. You loved the warm blood spraying across your skin..." Nightshade smiled evilly walking towards me while I tried to move but my body wouldn't move from where it was. Soon I felt her embrace my chin with her metal hand lifting me from my feet and turned my face to look the Winter Soldier who was pulling out his blade from his holster. "And you loved him when he was a killer." I broke from her embrace seeing a door behind the Winter Soldier open with a bright light inside which told me was a way out. I slammed my elbow into Nightshade's face then I rolled away from the Soldier who was charging at me until I got to my feet and rushed towards the door. As I stepped through a knife had pierced into my right numb shoulder, turning the door slammed shut as Nightshade and the Winter Soldier vanished from my view. Bracing the knife in the back of my arm I ripped it out not feeling any ounce of pain but I felt blood drizzling down my skin. Was this real? Was this really happening? Or was this all in my head? The light above me went off as I looked around trying to figure out what was happening while clutching the blade in my hand. Taking two steps forward another light flicked on showing me that I was standing in a lab, a non-familiar lab but it wasn't the one I remembered.

"Where the hell am I now?" I whispered moving forward until a loud gunshot rang out forcing me to flinch into guard stance but I saw no bullet coming my way.

"Where the hell am I now?" I whispered moving forward until a loud gunshot rang out forcing me to flinch into guard stance but I saw no bullet coming my way

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Bucky!" I heard a voice yell just as the gunshot rang out next to me as I felt images flash across my eyes. I saw Bucky...his hair was shorter and he wore a dark blue uniform top. This was before the Winter Soldier...before we had the metal arms as glanced at my stomach where a bullet once hit but all that was there was a slight scar.

"Now you remember." A voice replied causing me to freeze up while I held up the blade in the direction of the voice.              

"Who are you? Show yourself!" I ordered watching a figure emerge from the darkness but it was Nightshade, she was wearing clothes from the forties. She was me...another me...was she the good version of me? "Who are you?"

CONTROL (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes FanFic) A Captain America FanFic (3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang