Reece took a deep breath and walked forward, he could hear that the two people behind him were still busy talking. He cleared his throat, "Um, can I have..." his eyes drifted to one of the panels on the counter, a bright screen promoting a set value apparently. "I'll have a bottle of water, please."

She nodded. "Sure. By the way, we do have some special promotion going on." She gestured to the panel he just saw. "Interested in any?"

His hands felt clammy and somehow the room dropped a few degrees around him, but Reece flashed his most convincing smile as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Well, the only special thing I'm interested in is the one I'm looking at." It felt like the words left a bad taste in his mouth as soon as he spoke it and he had to try his best to resist visibly cringing in front of her. As silly as he felt, he had to try and look like it was complete, utter breeze for him.

And it worked.

The blood came rushing to the server's cheeks almost immediately, the big smile she had worn all morning became a bit shyer, more real. She didn't seem to be able to form her words quickly enough, so Reece had to seize this moment.

"So, which university do you go to? Or is it college?"

"University of Florida." she answered, regaining her composure again. "You?"

"Webster." he answered smoothly, it was where his brother went so it was an easy choice. "That's great, I wouldn't have to search for to see a pretty face."

His smile seemed to affect her even more because she barely responded to compliment but seemed to lose her focus when she stared at his face a bit too long. "Um... thanks." She turned around as if she'd get rid of the blush in her cheeks if she stopped looking. Just a moment later, she returned with a bottle of water. "Here you go. Would you like anything else?"

"Besides your number?" Reece chuckled before saying in a more serious tone. "I do actually. Would do me a favor?"

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously but the curls on her lips tells him otherwise. "Depends. What can I help with?"

"I'm working on a film-making project due in 2 weeks and I know it's a bit last minute, but I would love to have a peek on how things work in the cinemas," he said.

"So... you want to see the projector room?"

Reece flashed another winning smile. "Yes, please."

The girl looked hesitant, "I don't know. My supervisor might be here soon."

"Relax," if that did happen that things might get complicated, but he'd have to take a risk. "We can just see the one for the smallest hall?"

A moment of uncertainty, her eyes looked around for any signs of her feared supervisor. When she found none, a sigh came from her and Reece knew he won. "Fine but you'd have to be careful so the other customers won't see you."


"In return," she added, a shy look coming through again. "Maybe... dinner?"

Well, that's another situation he'll have to slip his way out of. "Anytime," he grinned. "Let me call my friends over, okay?"

"Oh, you have friends with you?"

"Yeah, is that okay? I'm really clumsy sometimes," he said with a slight laugh.

The girl looked even more doubtful now but she nodded anyways. "Wait until Harry puts the film on then come here."

Reece had no idea wo she was referring to but it shouldn't be hard to notice somebody going in and out of that door exactly within the time frame of the movie showcase. When he headed back to his friends, Mara and Eddie looked a bit disgruntled but their faces changed immediately after he told them about the projector room.

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