3: Dan's POV

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The person Dan had rammed into didnt even turn around before Dan was at the front entrance and in the safety of school. He hurried to his locker, glad he printed out his schedule online when he saw the zombie like mob crowding the teacher. Dan opened his locker and set his books on the top shelf. Dan looked at his schedule, oh god really?!? The biology class was in the complete other wing of the school. Dan prepared to book it to the East Wing when PJ ran up to him."Hey Dan, wheres your class?" He asked, checking crinkled schedule.

"Biology in the East Wing," Dan groaned to PJ. PJ rolled his eyes.

"Sucks to be you bro. I got English upstairs. See you at lunch right?" PJ added the last part after a second and Dan nodded. Few people were in the school since it was still extremly early.

PJ and Dan walked to the middle of the school and when PJ took the stairs up, Dan went to the East Wing.

Dan walked in, noticing he was the first one in class he sighed to himself. Chossing a seat by the window in the middle row. The last row was for the jocks "cool" kids.
Dan didn't have a book to read so he just zoned out the window. Dan grinned at the outisde, thinking about the radio station. His boss had said "maybe" but Dan was still getting his hopes a bit high. After worked there for 3 years he had kinda dreamed of this day.
The class started to fill up after a few minutes. Everybody yelling and screamed while they took their seats.

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