But I'll be there for you, As the world falls down

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"There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes A kind of pale jewel
Open and closed Within your eyes
I'll place the sky
Within your eyes"

The song for this chapter is "As the World Falls Down" by Aaron Richards (original by David Bowie)

I have a thing for haunting piano music, so sue me.


She was so beautiful. Her dark hair was fanned out on the white pillow under her, making her look like one of those religious renaissance paintings. He thought she would look sick. Pale or bruised. From where he was rooted to the spot just inside the doorway of her room, she looked perfect.

Logically he knew that she was mostly covered by blankets and a hospital gown, and that she was injured under all that. It made him sick to think of her soft golden skin covered in green and blue bruises, little nicks and bloody scratches. So he stayed where he was. He was trapped there. Afraid to wake her. Afraid to hurt her. Afraid his heart would break open and bleed out right there on the tile floor.

When he got closer to Istanbul he had turned his smartphone back on. He’d been using his satellite phone up on the mountain, but that was only to call in for supplies or check weather conditions. He didn’t want to talk to anyone from home. He didn’t want to know anything. Now he hated himself for it. He needed to know everything.

It was just after sunrise when he couldn’t stand it any longer. He called Emre.

“Abi?” his voice was gravely. He sounded exhausted.

“What happened?” he knew he was being an asshole right now but he didn’t care.

“Can, how?” he was confused. He couldn’t have known that she appeared to him on top of a mountain to call him home, and that he came as quickly as he could without a second thought.

“I’m just over an hour away. Tell me if you know where she is.” he didn’t mince words. He had no time.

“Can, calm down, tamam? She’s alright.”

“Emre I know damn well she isn’t alright so tell me where she is!” the panic was rising in his throat. His foot bearing down harder on the gas pedal.

“Abi, come home and change, get something to eat, and we can go to the hospital together.” his brother meant well, but he was really dense sometimes. The word hospital made his heart skip a beat.

“You know I won’t. Tell me which hospital.” he was calmer now, if only outwardly.

“I’ll text you the details, tamam? Please don’t do anything stupid.” he said it affectionately, but with serious meaning behind it.

“Görüşürüz.” he felt bad about how he treated Emre, but he could apologize later. For now, nothing was going to come between him and her.

He was shocked that the nurses let him come into the wing where she was located. His beard was overgrown, hair hastily put in a bun, and he was still wearing his dirty mountain clothes. Visiting hours had just started and the hospital was slowly coming to life. The scent of coffee brewing cut through the antiseptic smell. The nurse that led him to her room offered to get him a cup, she could probably see how bloodshot his eyes were. He declined, fearing that if he had anything in his hands he would drop it upon seeing her laying in a hospital bed. It was probably a good call.

He was still enraptured by the sight of her long shiny hair falling in tendrils down the pillowcase when he heard it.


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