Prologue: A Hard Life

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Fear. Fear was all I could feel as I was running through the empty halls of my high school. I could feel my heart pounding through my chest as I clutched my stuffed bear closer to my being, as if my life were on the line. In the split second I turn to look at who was chasing me, I tripped over my own two feet and fell, allowing my attackers to catch up.

Pain. Pain was all I could feel once they caught up, the tears and blood flowing out of me like trickling streams. I could hear their horrible laughter; the malevolence in their voices was ever present.

"Please! Please stop this!" I pleaded quietly, as my voice due to my constant beatings was always a whisper.

"Kesesese~! Never, little birdie!" The one watching said as another blow landed in my chest. My sobbing fell on deaf ears as I was left, once more, to my bruising and bleeding mouth for another night.

Lonesome LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang