Meet The Author: Natalie

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Hey dudes and dudets I guess I'll go ahead and kick this off!

My name, if you don't already know, is Natalie Jones.

My dad is serving in the military so my family and I have moved around a lot and we've lived in some very interesting places including Germany and Italy. I was born however in Washington. Most of my family was born there so you might have guessed we are die hard Seattle Seahawks fans though it doesn't really matter to me. I however will never pass up a comfy sweatshirt no matter what logo is printed on it.

Except maybe the Patriots (sorry).

I would say I'm an introvert. I definitely would rather stay at home but when push comes to shove I can seem rather extroverted.

My favorite book genre would have to be fiction and more specifically science fiction. I love space. Interstellar is one of my favorite all time movies, behind every Marvel movie ever created.

I have a dog named Oliver we think he is a havanese terrier mix but all we really know is he is a mutt. He is around 4 yrs old I think and we got him when he was around 1. We aren't quite sure, we did rescued him from a shelter and they didn't know how old he was either but I love him to bits.

I am 18 and graduating HS very soon and afterwards I do plan on serving a year and a half long mission for my church. After that I'll head up to Idaho to study criminology and then, hopefully, enter the police force! And possibly move my way up to be one a detective 🕵️.

My favorite color is yellow.

I love rainy, cloudy, gloomy days.

I love writing and when I'm not you can find me reading or drawing.

Painting is a good way for me to relax unless I'm going it as a commission for a friend or family member then that is just endless stress.

I've been writing my whole life but not untill now did I have the courage to put my work out there so I'm so happy you guys like it.

And let me tell you co-writing a book is waaaay easier than doing by yourself. Having someone to help you get out of a writing rutt/block is so useful!

And I think that's everything about me so if have any questions please ask away!! ♥️♥️

Of course don't forget to check out our books!

Then if you would like I also have a personal account L7na_b0 were i've written a few other stories 👌

And that all I have door ya!... For now.

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