One punch man chapter one (Garou x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"I-I-I'm terribly sorry for what I've done!"

"Three cheers for king!"

"You pervert!" The girls glared at the lizard.

"You're scum."

"Hmm, I wonder where Saitama went...Why didn't he even wait for me?"

"Take care of him, Mr.King!"

'How did it come to this?'

"He's starting to have a seizure while grovelling!"

"You're so awesome, king."

"Did you show up because you sense the monster, king?"

"No, I was about to go shopp---"

People began to argue around King instead, he didn't really mind whoever spoke to him, but then someone wanted a handshake.

"Could I just get a handshake?"

King simply brushed the dirt off his shirt as he said "I'm busy. Would you mind leaving me alone?"

"W-we're terribly sorry!"


"Master, I believe that gentleman is king after all."


"He was one of the heroes at the class S gathering"

As the two stood behind you noticed the bold head from behind...blinking a couple of times, until you grinned softly. You pressed your feet quite harshly against the floor, using them to push off because you flew right into Saitama, hugging him from behind. "Saitamaaaaa!" You shouted though his face had disbelief, with him coughing a little while he smacked into the floor. Genos stood there in hysteria yelling.

"Master! Who is this!"

Saitama stood up with you dangling around his waist, he stood there with a blank look. But you simply grinned happily.

"I'm _____! Saitama's cousin! And you are?"


"Wow, are you a robot?"

You unhooked yourself from Saitama to gently poke Genos arms.

"Don't touch..."

"Alright, don't get your robot parts in a twist."

"This is why I don't mention family."

"Saitama, I didn't want this, but my parents told me to come." which was clearly a lie.

"Anyway, that is kind. That man somehow claims your place as the strongest man in the world."

"Huh?? is he mocking our family name or something?? we all know that my cousin is the strongest and I am!" You claimed with pride.


"But what in the world is he doing here?"

"It looks like he went shopping for something." You pointed out.

You then heard a scream, a woman pointing out a monster in the distance, standing between the two you blinked softly.

"A monster? Master, we should hurry!"

"Eh? Why don't you guys just fight it?? you both are heroes."

"No, wait...This might be a good opportunity to see kings true power."

"Oh right!" You beamed in amazement.

"Let's see how things go."

King finally gazed up to see a huge robot looking monster, he even has a crown on its head.

One punch man (Garou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now