Chapter 3 | Blondie

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I'm not sure how long I was staring till I was pulled out of my thoughts.


The voice was British. Male and British.
I blinked pulling my eyes away from the trance they were in.

Those eyes were unique. One of a kind. Special. Dazzling. Simply beautiful.
I never though I'd see such mesmerizing brown eyes. Never. The story behind them seemed interesting enough for me to lose sight of the real world and venture into dream land.


I shook my head focusing on the person infront of me. Curly brown hair fell infront of this persons eyes, creating a look that could not be reckoned with.
I was finally able to say something.
"Hello." This man seemed startled by me speaking as his eyes doubled in size once I spoke.
"Who are you?" I asked, not sure what else to ask.
"I don't know you yet girlie, so call me Flash."

We both turned towards the door as it squeaked open. A blonde, maybe a few years younger then me, walked through sporting a pair of silver rimmed glasses.
"She woke up?" He muttered more as a question then a statement.
Flash stood up and walked towards the blonde, who held a firm look as the brunette walked past him.

His shoulders slumped and his face relaxed as the door closed behind him.
"Phew." Blondie turned to me. His glasses resting on the tip of his nose, as he looked at me from over the rim.
"Who are you?" He seemed curious. I cleared my throat ready to answer when I realised this guy was a stranger, he has no right to know who I am.

"Who's asking?"

He nodded at my response before answering.
"Dean. Dean Wattes." His lips curved up ever so slightly as he walked over and sat where Flash was sat a couple moments ago. If that even was his name.

Satisfied with the simple answer I introduced myself right back.
"Harper Bradford. Nice to meet you."
I held my hand out for him to shake, he did the same.

Once our hands were back to ourselves, his expression went serious and his jaw hard. To be honest it kind of scared me.

"Listen Harper. You run a dangerous game now. You do as we say and you get out fine. You disobey any of our commands your gone. And I'm sure you don't want that happening. To put this straight, there are the bank robber and the hostage. Your the hostage we're the bank robbers. Except we're not here to hurt you, we're here to protect you. From what you may ask," he paused and look of regret flashing on his face.

"We are here to protect you from Viper."

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