Chapter 30- Crossroads

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Sarah: You're lost. You're looking for something... You're looking for yourself...

With Connor. Connor is in the Captain's cabin with Kenny and Maddie McWilliams.

Kenny: We're short on blue blood and biocomponents. Our wounded are shutting down and there's nothing we can do!

Maddie McWilliams: Humans are conducting raids in all the big cities and they're taking androids to camps to destroy them!

Kenny: It's all our fault... None of this would have happened if we'd just stayed quiet!

Connor: We couldn't just suffer in silence, they're killing us! Nothing is gonna justify that.

Kenny: What's the point of being free if no one is left alive?

Connor: Humans enslaved us! I'll never regret standing up to that.

Kenny: This is getting us nowhere.

Maddie McWilliams: He's right. All that matters now is what we do next. Connor?

Connor: Dialogue. It is the only way... I will go alone, try to talk to them one last time.

Maddie McWilliams: Don't do this, Connor. They'll kill you!

Connor: Maybe...but Mads, I have to try. If I don't come back, lay low as long as you can...

Kenny: They need to realize how much they're hurting us... Find the right words and they'll listen.

Kenny leaves. Connor and Maddie McWilliams are alone.

Connor: They've been butchering each other for centuries over the color of their skin or whatever god they wanted to worship. They're not gonna change. Violence is just in their genes.

Maddie McWilliams: They can't stop what we've started. Since you've been here, you've given us hope... You've given me hope. Today, a deviant arrived in White Field and he told me that he stole a truck transporting radioactive cobalt... He said that he abandoned the truck somewhere in Newark and rigged it to explode. I convinced him not to do it, and to give me the detonator.

Connor: A dirty bomb...

Maddie McWilliams: We can't lose this war, Connor. If humans overcome us, our people will disappear forever. This may be our only chance to survive if things go wrong...

Connor keeps the detonator.

Connor: I just hope we never have to use it...

Maddie McWilliams: Whatever happens tomorrow, I just want you to know that I- I'm glad I met you...

Connor kisses Maddie McWilliams.

Maddie McWilliams: I'll go join the others. Look after yourself... I don't wanna lose you.

With Sean. Sean finds Connor and sees Maddie McWilliams leave.

Clementine: Well done, Sean. You succeeded in locating White Field and finding their leader. Now deal with Connor. We need it alive.

Sean: I've been ordered to take you alive, but I won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice.

Connor: What are you doing? You are one of us... You can't betray your own people...

Sean: Don't force me to neutralize you.

Connor: You're nothing to them. You're just a tool they use to do their dirty work. But you're more than that. We are all more than that. You're Sean, aren't you? That famous deviant hunter. Well, congratulations. You seem to have found what you were looking for...

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