7-Two for the price of one

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"Error! Get down from there! We don't have all day." Quill held down a growl of annoyance.

Error was currently laying in a web of his strings fastened to the ceiling. Just out of reach.

The former destroyer was relieved that his magic was somewhat functional today. Especially since dingus wants him to ask for a death sentence.

"Error, I know you don't want to go but I'm not a midwife! I don't know a lot about pregnancy! Especially Soul pregnancy!"

"I'm not letting that Gaster Sans get anywhere near my rib cage and especially not my baby!"

"Error! His name is Medic for a reason. One of his specializes is prenatal care and SPs! He's literally trained to do this and can help you more than me!"

Error shook his head stubbornly.

Medic standing calmly beside Quill carefully analyzing the scene. He was warned his patient would be a bit stubborn and untrusting. But this was a bit much.

"Error stop being such a child and-" Medic put a hand on Quill's shoulder, giving him a 'let me try' look.

He stepped closer and gazed up.

"Error, I don't want to harm you. I simply want to help you and your child."

Error huffed and growled as if he'd heard a lie.

"Quill gave me information on what had happened before you came here, and it worries me. Having a near miscarriage can be detrimental to a soulings health."

Error peaked over the edge of his hammock. "My baby is perfectly fine."

Medic tilted his head. "Are you absolutely sure? How can you tell?"

"I can feel them moving around! And they've grown brighter." Error stated.

Medic shook his head sadly, he honestly hated using this to get people to work with him but if not the truth then what else?

"That means nothing. I've had plenty soulings turn out to be stillborn or die after birth because the mother thought they were fine for that exact reason, movement and brightness doesn't mean the child is fully alive or would survive once born."

Error stared down at him looking for any sign of a lie but found none. His eye became foggy with slight fear and nervousness. "What are you going to do to make sure my baby's ok?"

Medic hummed. "An ultrasound of sorts. It's simple and painless. We'll be done within thirty minutes if you come down now."

Error glance from Medic to Quill. Soul thumping in slight fear.

He laid in his hammock, staring up at the ceiling and contemplating the pros and cons.

His mind, begrudgingly, favored the pros.

With a heavy sigh he flicked his wrist and allowed his hammock to lower itself near the ground. He sat up and hung his legs. Feet nearly touching the ground.

"What do you need me to do?" He grunted. Glaring at Medic with a look saying, try anything funny and I'll shred you before you could even lift a finger.

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