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"Her beauty hung in the air like music
It flowed off her in waves searching for our eyes to see."


"Uno." Jin leaned forward on the countertop. "Did you know that bird watching is," He pulled out sunglasses from his pocket. "IlEAGLE."

Jimin spit out a bit of his drink as he laughed.

"Ya! You idiot!" Jin shouted, a smile on his face while he wiped the water off his face.

"I, I'm sorry." Jimin wheezed while he laughed, trying to regain his usual calm physique.

I chuckled and took another bite of the scrambled eggs.

"Why aren't you eating the casserole? You looked so excited while I was making it." Jin frowned as he bit into his pancake.

"Oh." I leaned back. "Yeah, I was excited until you put the ham in it."

I waited for one of the boys to put two and two together. But none of them.

"I'm a vegetarian."

"Oh." They all said.

"I'm so sorry!" Jin's eyes widened after he scanned all the food on the table. "There's barely an non-meat food except for the boring pancakes and eggs."

"It's okay." I reassured through the eggs in my mouth. "It's still really good. I've never had buttermilk pancakes before, and they're really good."

Jin nodded once, bit still didn't look satisfied.

"That sounds horrible, not eating meat." Taehyung looked horrified as he stared at the piece of bacon in his hands. He held the piece up to my face. "You don't like this?!"

I moved his hand away from me. "I just don't eat it."

He opened his mouth open slightly in disbelief, then took a huge bite of the bacon.

I rolled my eyes and took the final bite of my eggs.

"Are you finished?" Taehyung asked me, staring at me with wide eyes.

I looked at him suspiciously before answering, "Yes."

"Great." Taehyung jumped out of his seat and grabbed him and I's plate. "Follow me."

I frowned and stood up as well, looking at Hoseok for help.

He laughed. "Have fun!" Hoseok waved as Taehyung dragged me into the kitchen.

After dropping our plates in the sink, Taehyung grabbed my hand and guided me through multiple different hallways and multiple different floors.

"What room do you want Hon? I like this one. It's sound proof."

I looked behind me, feeling someone's breath on the back of my neck.

I gulped and allowed Taehyung to guide me through the many hallways.

We ended in front of a giant, perfectly clear, wall-length mirror.

"I want to show ARMY my outfit because I look fabulous." Taehyung posed in the mirror proudly.

I chuckled and started to record us.

Except, I focused on myself in the lense, ignoring Taehyung's figure and poses. "Look how cute I look!"

"Yah! Focus on me! Not you!" Taehyung laughed, aiming the camera at him as I laughed as well.

Taehyung began to talk about his outfit and his inspiration, but I kind of drifted off, my mind falling asleep.

"We're leaving in 15 minutes!" Jin shouted from downstairs.

"That's not enough time!" Jimin yelled, and a rampage of footsteps followed. "I have so much stuff to do!"

"Jimin, what do you even do in the bathroom for twenty minutes?" Yoongi called out Jimin.

Taehyung stopped talking to smile.

"I guess you want some free time before we leave."

"I'll do whatever." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Go. Be free." Taehyung lightly pushed me away as I turned off my camera.

"Make sure someone finds me before we leave because I'm just going to wander around." I turned back towards Taehyung as I walked away.

He chuckled. "Sounds good. I'll find you."

I gave him a thumbs up and continued to wander.

Out of all of the doors in one of the hallways, one was closed. I walked up to it and saw that it had a small eighth note on it.

Curious, I opened the door.

I let it swing open as I stared into the room.


End Of Chapter 19

Bacon is awesome.

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