Chapter Eight

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It's 6:30pm now and I honestly have no idea what I'm doing.

Why the actual hell was I thinking when I accepted to Blake?

What am I going to wear? I have literally nothing good to wear!

It dawned on me.

Wait, why do I care what he thinks about how I look? Why should I dress up for him?

I thought to myself as I get the jeans I wore earlier and laid them on my bed neatly.


It is now 6:55pm and I decided on a pretty light blue top with frills on the cap sleeves and hem of the top. I've paired it with my jeans and white wedges.

I look at myself in the mirror, oddly happy with my appearance. I put some light makeup on my face and headed downstairs.

Blake was sitting on the couch opposite my dad in light conversation.

"You're ready," Blake says with a smile.

"Jane, why is this the first time I've met this boy?" My father says to me. Funny, that is the first full sentence he has spoken to me since he has been back.

"Uhh..." I mumbled not knowing what to say.

"We didn't meet until recently this year." Blake spoke up, I was so nervous because for a split second I thought he was going to say the truth.

"Yeah," I agreed politely.

There was an awkward pause. Of course, he was back on his frikin' phone!

"Err, excuse me," He said quietly as he answered his phone and left the room swiftly.

"Should we go?" He said enthusiastically.

"Yeah," I smiled at him.

He led me out of the door before opening the car door for me.

"Thanks," I gushed at his gentlemanly gesture.

He got into the car on the other side and started the car.

"So where are we going?" I asked him curiously trying to make conversation.

"That my sweet friend is a surprise." He replied suspiciously with a wink.

My cheeks immediately turned a deep shade of pink.

God dammit face!

I silently scolded myself.

There was a long silence, not an awkward silence though which was different from what I expected.

"So I take it that your parents don't know about the whole bullying thing then," He guessed, I had really hoped he wouldn't bring up that topic.

"Umm, yeah... they don't really have a general interest in the subject you could say," I tried to explain without giving too much detail. I didn't want to give him too much detail of my life, as I'm not sure if I can trust him or not.

"General interest in what? Your life? You're entire existence?" he joked.

I stayed silent in response.

"Shit Jane, I'm so sorry I didn't mean that-"

"It's fine." I said bluntly.

Another silence followed.

This is going well...

I thought sarcastically to myself.

"We're here." He says abruptly pulling me out of my inner conversation.

When I look at what is in front of me I am astounded.

We're in the middle of the Botanical Gardens, a single table with two chairs lit with numerous candles and fairy lights hung in through the trees.

The sight before my eyes makes me want to cry it's so beautiful.

"This... is amazing Blake! How did you do this?" I asked inquisitively.

"I just called in a few favors... do you like it?" he enquired shyly.

"No," I paused watching his face fall to the ground with a hurt expression hung on his face.

"I love it." I finished my sentence and immediately saw his face light up with a huge grin spread on his gorgeous smile.

Wait did I just say gorgeous? Did I seriously just describe Blake and gorgeous? Great, now I'm nothing better than one of his millions of groupies at school.

"What's wrong?" Blake asked noticing my blank expression.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." I said with a genuine smile.

It was then when I realized tonight might not actually be that bad. I also realized that I might have a slight thing for the boy with the blue eyes.

The Boy with the Blue eyesWhere stories live. Discover now