Chapter Ten: Movement

Start from the beginning

I nod, "Well, it was nice meeting someone new to the town that will be helping, but I should be getting to School or I'll be late." I smile and turn to walk away.

"It was nice meeting you too, Maggie." Detective Lana says as I walk down the street.

I don't know if she notices, but I walk away very quickly. Being interrogated with out even being interrogated sucks. It's not that I was lying about anything just then, but in my earlier interrogation I did lie. To be honest I think I'm a fairly good liar.

By the time I get to School it is already the end of first period, I would have gotten to school half way through first, but that detective stopped me.

I wait outside of the Math hall for Jade. Once notice her curly brown hair bouncing up and down rush over to me.

"Hey." Jade smiles as I walk up to her.

"Hey," I stop walking in front of her and put my hand out, "My knife." I smile snarkly.

Her mouth parts in the sliest, "Okay, I'm sorry I wasn't planning on taking it. I just wanted my little sisters to know how to protect themselves."

"Jade that is great, but you could have asked to borrow it, especially now that the whole town knows Kian was stabbed to death, and it's obvious it was a pocket knife. So I would like it back so I can hide it so I don't get framed for this bullshit." I angrily whisper.

My hand is still held out in front of her waiting for her to give it back.

"You saying that literally corroborates why I shouldn't give it to you in this crowed hallway, " Jade looks around to see if anyone is watching us talk, "I'll give it to you at lunch."

I pull my hand away and put it into my back pocket, "You better."

"I will, meet me in the back by my bike at lunch." Jade says.


I brush passed her and head down the hallway to my second period arriving right as the bell rings.


I walk into the lounge at lunch, in the corner once again are Adrian and Adams. I would have sat with them, but I was going to talk to someone else.

"Hey, can I sit?"

Ace looks up at me in shock, "Sure."

I sit down across from her, "I met Detective Lana today."

"You did!? What did she say?" Ace panics.

"Oh just that I have to have a follow up interview because I was the one who found Kian."

"She creeps me out. She was walking around my house on Monday to see if she could find anything that might help with the case, and I caught her in my room. When she said she was only going to look in Kian's."

"What was she doing in there?" I ask.

"Looking at a photo of us from Grade Nine, it started up a really awkward conversation."

"Well isn't that an invasion of privacy. Can't she not do that with out a warrant?"

Ace sighs, "My Mom let her in my room so apparently she doesn't need one."

"Okay I'm sorry, but I have to say this. When did you Mom become such a bitch?"

Ace chuckles, "Good question."

"But just know, I think that Detective is weird too. So if you need help with anything talk to me. I can beat people up for you." I smile.

"Yeah, I heard about Conner."

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