Chapter 7

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"Well dear,actually,I have a dark secret not even your mother or grandfather knows."said Grandma slowly.Red stared at her. "What are you trying to tell me Grandma? "She asked."Red dear,don't freak out but I am a witch."Red stared at Grandma, expecting a marvellous thing to happen.But Grandma remained the same old plain Grandma. "Grandma, did you said that you would make a potion to cure me?"questioned Red.Grandma slowly got up and went to her dusty bookshelf full of old books.She pulled put one and the floor rumbled.Then, a passage appeared. "Come."said Grandma and with that disappeared down the passage. Red got up slowly and gingerly put one foot on the stairs. Nothing happened, so she went down.When she was halfway down,the floor creaked and the top of the passage closed. Suddenly,the stairs beneath her disappeared and she found herself on a slippery slide.She only had a split second to realise it before she slid down the slide, which seemed like a ride that lasted forever.

Chapter's toooooooooooooo short

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