Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

We get off work and Nestor is there to take us home. When we go to get into the car, Emily gets in but Nestor stops me. "When we drop Emily off, I want to take you somewhere." he tells me and I just nod. Kissing me softly he helps me into the car and we take Emily home. After dropping her off, I move to the front seat and he takes my hand and laces his fingers with mine. Neither of us say anything. He watches the road and I just look out the window. We pull up to this little restaurant and walk inside. "Reservation for Oceteva." The hostess looks up his reservation and says "Right this way." and leads us to the balcony to a table that is in a private area where we can be alone. He holds out the chair for me to sit before taking his own beside me. We place our order and he starts talking. "How are you feeling?" he asks. "A little better I think. Just been trying to stay busy and stay out of my own head." I tell him. He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles and says "You know how perfect you are." I shake my head and he stops me. "No. You are perfect mi reina. You are my queen and I am so lucky to have you by my side." he says as he kisses my knuckles again. "I'm the lucky one Nestor. You could have any woman you want. Why do you want me?" I ask. "Because you're beautiful, smart, compassionate, motivated and you are mine." he says. He pulls me to him slightly and places a soft kiss to my lips.

It isn't long before our meals are brought to us and we eat in comfortable silence. Once we are done eating, he has another beer and I have a glass of wine. "I have something for you." he says as he takes a small box out of his jacket pocket. He places the box in front of me and I look at him and smile softly. "You didn't have to." I tell him. I open the box and see a beautiful necklace. It has a gold chain and a pendant of a heart with a diamond in the center. "Nestor, this is beautiful." I say as I look at him shocked. "I just wanted to give you something to show you how much I love you." he says. I look at him even more shocked and he says "I love you mi reina." I smile wide and kiss him softly. "I love you too Nestor." He puts the necklace on me and he places another kiss to my lips and whispers "Te amo mi reina." I smile and whisper "Te amo mi rey. Siempre."

Nestor takes me home and when he helps me out of the car, I ask "You want to stay?" He nods and gets his go bag out of the trunk. Walking inside, Emily and Miguel are in the living room with their son and when they look up they see me smiling wide. "Well, hello." Miguel says. "Hey." I say and Nestor nods. "You staying?" Miguel asks Nestor and he asks "That okay?" Miguel nods and Emily says "Help me put him down." I nod and kiss Nestor softly before following her. We walk into the nursery and she puts her son in his crib and looks at me. "You look better." I smile and say "I feel better. Look." I tell her and show her my necklace. "That's beautiful." she tells me. "Said he wanted to give me something to show me how much he loves me." I tell her. "I told you." she says. I hug her and say "You were right. He loves me." I tell her and she's smiling as wide as I am. "It's okay that he stays, right?" I ask. "Of course." she tells me.

We walk back out to the living room and I walk right into Nestor's arms. Seeing Emily and Miguel smiling at us, Miguel sees my necklace. "That's a beautiful necklace." I smile as I touch it softly. "Thank you. It was a gift from Nestor." Nestor kisses my temple and says "Let's head to bed baby." I nod and we say our goodnights before he follows me to my room and we climb into bed together and spend the rest of the night making love.

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