Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Waking up the next morning, I stretch and smile knowing today is a new day. I sit up and check my phone to see a text from Nestor.

N: Good morning mi reina.

D: Good morning mi rey.

N: Did you dream about me?

D: I did actually. Did you sleep well?

N: Would have been better had my queen been with me.

D: Maybe someday.

N: Will I see you today?

D: I hope so. I better get ready for work.

N: Have a good day mi reina.

D: Be safe today. Please?

N: For you? Siempre.

I can't help but smile. I get up and get dressed before heading out to the patio with Emily. I sit beside her and start loading fruit onto my plate. "How did you sleep?" she asks smirking. "Better than I have in a long time. Thank you for last night Em. Seriously." I tell her. "I want to know what happened after Miguel and I went inside." she tells me. "He kissed me. Like take my breath kiss me. Em, it was amazing and he says he wants to be with me." I tell her. "That's great Dar." she tells me and I see she's smiling.

We have been at work for over an hour when a delivery man shows up. "Delivery for Daria Lopez." he says. "That's me." I say. I sign for the flowers and see it's a bouquet of two dozen red roses. I look at the card and smile. Emily takes the card from me and reads it aloud. Even the most beautiful flower doesn't compare to you, mi reina. Amor Siempre Nestor. I look at her and say "I need to call him." I step out into the hallway and call his phone. "Hola mi amor." he says when he answers. "Hola mi rey. Thank you so much for my flowers. They are beautiful." I tell him. "Not as beautiful as you but I wanted to show you how special you are." he tells me. "Could you be more perfect?" I ask. "Can I see you tonight?" he asks. "Yeah baby. I get home about six. If we work over I'll call you." I tell him before ending the call.

That evening, I am in my room getting ready and Emily knocks on my door. "Your date is here." she tells me, smirking. I walk out to the living room and tell her "Don't wait up." I walk out the door and Nestor is standing there holding the car door opened for me. I walk up and he pulls me to him and kisses me softly. "Hola mi amor." I smile against his lips and say "Hola mi dulce." I get in the car and he walks around to the driver side. "What's the plan?" I ask. "You'll see." he tells me. We drive out to the desert and pull up to an area with a fire put and a tent. I look at him and say "I told Miguel we wouldn't be home. Emily packed you a bag." he tells me. I look at him shocked and he says "Emily said you like to camp." We get out of the car and walk over to the campsite. I stop and look and see the fire going, a picnic basket and the tent. I feel his arms wrap around me from behind and pulls me close. "This is perfect." I tell him. I turn to face him and he kisses me deeply. We sit by the fire and eat what's in the picnic basket before he pulls me between his legs and we just sit by the fire. "Thank you." I say. "For what, mi reina?" he asks. "For being with me. For being so good to me." I tell him. He holds me closer and we just sit.

When we head into the tent, we get in between the sleeping bags and he pulls me closer. I look up at him and he kisses me softly. I deepen the kiss and pull him to hover over me. I feel his hand sliding up under the edge of my shirt and just runs his fingers up and down my side softly. I break the kiss and whisper "I need you Nestor." He looks into my eyes before crashing his lips with mine before we shed clothes and we spend the rest of the night making love over and over again until the sun comes up over the horizon. Once we reach our final release, together, he caresses my cheek and says "You're mine mi reina." I smile softly and say "All yours mi rey."

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