Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Waking up the next morning, I am still thinking about his text the night before. I still think he's out of my league. There's no way that he wants to be with me. I get up and start getting dressed for work. Walking out to the patio, I sit beside Emily and she looks at me smirking. "What?" I ask. "Miguel has an important party to attend tonight and you're going with us." she tells me. "No. That's okay." I tell her. "Why not?" she asks. "Emily, I don't have a dress or a date and I don't want to be the odd man out." I tell her, looking down at my plate. "So, we're going to take the day and do a little shopping and get some pampering done before tonight and don't worry about a date. You'll have an escort." she tells me and I look at her suspiciously. "Just come on." she tells me and we head out to the car.

The driver takes us shopping and we find me the perfect dress and shoes. The dress is black and is form fitting and shows off my curves perfectly. The heels are black stilettos. My hair falls in perfect waves down my back and my makeup is perfectly done. It's time to head to the party and I walk into the living room and Miguel kisses my cheek and says "You look beautiful Daria." I smile softly and say "Thank you Miguel." I look at Emily and say "You looks amazing." She smiles and says "So do you. I told you that dress was the one." I smile softly and ask "So, who's my escort tonight?" and I see them both smirk when I hear "Me." I turn and see Nestor and he stops in his tracks. "Wow." he says as he looks at me. Walking up and kissing my cheek, he places his hand on my hip as he does and whispers "You look radiant mi reina." I smile softly and say "You clean up nice too." I take a deep breath and ask "Are we ready to go?" Nestor holds out his arm for me to take and says "Let's head out."

We walk out and head to the car and this time, Nestor isn't driving. Emily and I get into the back seat and sit across from each other and then Miguel and Nestor get in, taking their seats next to us. I see Miguel reach over and take Emily's hand and I look down at my hands. Nestor leans closer and whispers "Are you okay mi reina?" I look at him and whisper "I'm okay. Just...I want that someday." I tell him. "You'll have it. I promise." I look down at my hands again and he reaches over and laces his fingers with mine. I look up at him and he lifts my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

We get to the party and head inside, me on Nestor's arm. A waiter comes around with champagne and Nestor grabs two glasses and hands one to me. "Thank you." I say. "And thank you for escorting me tonight." I tell him. "It's my pleasure Daria." he says as he puts his hand on the small of my back. We hear a glass clink and someone steps up to the podium to speak. Emily and Miguel are listening and Nestor, knowing that none of this pertains to us, asks "Would you like to get some air?" I nod and he leads me outside to the garden.

Walking over to the fountain in the middle of the garden, we take a seat on one of the benches. I look at the waterfall that's is in the center of the fountain and Nestor says "Penny for your thoughts." I smile softly and say "Just thinking about something that Emily and Miguel said the other day." I tell him. "What did they say?" he asks. "I asked if they knew why you came into my room the night you saved me and they said that you were interested in me." I tell him, looking down at my hands. "I am." he tells me and I look at him shocked. I shake my head no and stand up, walking closer to the fountain. "You don't want that." I tell him. "Why don't I?" he asks. "Nestor..." I start and he stops me. "Look at me please." he says and I don't. He steps in front of me and tilts my chin up to look at him. "I want you to listen to me. You're an amazing woman. You're smart as hell, sweet, compassionate, and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I would be lucky to have you by my side." he tells me and I start to tear up. He wipes my tears and asks "Why are you crying Novia?" I shake my head and he cups my face, stopping me, making me look at him. "I want you to be my queen, Daria." he tells me softly before placing his lips to mine softly. I melt into him and he deepens the kiss just a little. When we separate, I look at him and ask "Are you sure?" He kisses me one more time and says "Be. My. Queen." I smile softly and say "Okay." He holds me close and I just enjoy having his arms around me.

After a little bit, we head back inside, hand in hand and we see Emily and Miguel smile at us. We head home and once we get there, we get out of the car and Emily and Miguel say their goodbyes and leave me standing there with Nestor. "Thank you for escorting me." I tell him. "Anything for you mi reina." he says. I smile softly and before I can say anything he kisses me softly and says "I want this Daria." My smile gets bigger and he pulls me closer, crashing his lips with mine. When we break for air, I say, "I better get inside." Kissing me one more time, he walks me to the door and as soon as I walk inside, I head to the shower before bed. Getting out of the shower I head to bed and see a text on my phone. Smiling when I see it's from Nestor. Duerme bien mi reina. I respond back with Dream about me mi rey. I put my phone on the charger and fall asleep with a smile on my face, thinking about the man that has made me forget all about the hell I thought I was stuck in.

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