Chapter 1: Maya Marbles

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The sun shined bright that day but I felt more off than anything

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The sun shined bright that day but I felt more off than anything. I've been so stressed. I haven't had a day off in probably five months. I've been trying to put in overtime. I needed all the money I can make. I have to pay all my grandmother's medical bills. Her insurance didn't cover everything. She's the only family I have left. But nothing is helping her. I refuse to lose faith though. I will do anything to help her. 

I sigh as I stare at myself in the mirror. I barely recognize myself. I've went down two pants sizes since my grandma got sick a year ago. I only eat when I'm at work because we get a free lunch. There's dark rings around my eyes. I don't remember the last time I combed my hair. I've been so unhappy and lonely being in her big house by myself. I don't have time for friends since I work so much. Sometimes I work open to close. Sometimes with no breaks because I need all the the hours I can get. I grab my bag and make sure I got my keys. I grab my work hat and head out. Its pretty warm this morning. I walk to work as I normally do. I need to save all the money I can. I adjust my bag on my shoulder before leaving out. I lock the door and head out to work. 

We live in such a terrible neighborhood. It wasn't always bad but something snapped in this city. It's so run down. That even the cops barely make it. Every time you turn around someone is getting shot, robbed, jumped for the stupidest thing. Man even my brother got killed because he looked like someone from a rival gang.  No other family but my grandmother I have now. Everyone distanced themselves from us. No one wants to talk to me because I refuse to leave. But, I won't leave my grandmother. I sigh once I make it to work. There's already a line around the drive thru. I place my bag in my locker and put my visor on.  Here we go. I say to myself as I clock in. 

"Hey Maya, you're drive thru taker." My manager says. 

"Okay. Greg." 

I grab my headset and turn it on before placing it over my head. I sign into the POS system and sigh once it dings. Indicating a car has pulled up. Why do I feel weird today? Like something different is gonna happen. 

"Welcome to Cup of Joe. This is Maya. How may I help you today?"

I've said these lines so much that I even say it when I answer the phone. 

"Hello Maya this is Megan. My usually please."

"Sure thing girl. Just pull up to the window when you get a chance."

"Thanks hun."

I type in a large 6 milks and 2 sugars. Another beep goes off.

"Welcome to Cup of Joe. This is Maya. How may I help you today?"

Three and a half hours go by in my shift and I've repeated the same lines over and over. 

You Are Not Alone (MJ FanFiction) CompleteWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt