Chapger 27- Lies & Amusement Park Rides

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Johnny's POV

The night after my birthday party, me and Pony decided to interrogate Soda for answers. I needed to know why he and Steve have been acting so weird.

As me and Pone walked up closer to Soda's room, we heard, stuff. Jesus, my boyfriends brother is doing 'it' with one of my best friends. Said brother was assumed straight. Oh.

I knocked on the door innocently. I heard a grunt, and movement. I also heard a door slam shut.

"Hey, Soda. Why are you, uh, wrapped in that towel again?" I asked. His eyes widened.

"I uh, showered." He lied. I rolled my eyes. I looked next to me to Pony for support, but he wasn't there. Stubborn.

"Sodapop Curtis, your hair ain't even wet." I said, letting my southern accent shine though. He sighed.

I started playing with the ring on my right hand. It's a nervous habit I've developed. I also use it when I need Ponyboy, but he decided to abandon me on this.

"Uh, I needed to cool off the bits. Now, go away." He shooed me off.

"Rude." I mumbled. As soon as the door shut, I heard a slam, and Steve's voice.

"Ow! Why did you lock me in the smallest room in the house?" He yelled. Soda said some unholy stuff and then I left, because I couldn't stand that anymore.

I went downstairs to find Pony, and I found him eating toast. I hugged him from behind, earning a kiss to my cheek. "Way to support me there, hunny." I told him sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes. "I didn't want to see my older brother banging someone." He defended himself I guess he was right, I wouldn't want to see that either.

I took the chair next to Pony and sighed. This week had been uneventful. I kind of missed having adventure of trying not to die or anything. I just wanted the rush of excitement.

"Ponyyyy." I whined, and flung myself against him. He looked down at me, mouth full of toast. His crystal green eyes danced with amusement.

"Yes, my over dramatic prince?" He snickered. I gently smacked him in the arm.

"I'm booored." I whimpered. I saw Ponyboy look deep into my eyes, as if he were trying to read my mind.

"I have an idea. Steve!" He yelled. I panned the room, knowing Steve was right on the couch, and yelling wasn't really needed.

"Jeez, Pony. You dying?" He asdkd sarcastically. Pony shook his head.

"We should go to an amusement park! Me, you, Soda and Johnny! Wait, don't you guys have work?" He looked down. He seemed to be happy to have an idea for one, but as always, he didn't fully use his head.

"Nope! My boss let us out for the day, said we've been workin' too hard." Steve explained. Pony parked up.

"Sooo, you in?" Pony asked with a smile from ear to ear. Steve nodded.

"Sodas showering. That's something y'all two should do, damn!" He joked. I smiled a his playfulness, and ran up to my shared room with Pony.

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