it wasn't me. ( dont need him poem)

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Pfft, I was crying over you while you probably messed around with many girls including me.
Thought we would be something ,now I know I dont want "us" to ever be.
Go run along and flirt with them because I dont need you.
I was just blinded by your sweet talk but now you can leave boo.

You may have made me cry a few times but now I realised you were nothing but a lame boy.
Someone that treated girls like a toy.
But guess what, I'm happy.
Thank God you left ,I'm so lucky.

Haha,hehehe, I laugh now thinking what was I thinking to want to be with someone like you.
Thinking someone wouldn't ever love me too.
I thought something was wrong with me .
But dammn,I'm actually slaying baby.

Bye bye boy and hello happiness ;)

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