Not Alone Anymore

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Wad's POV

Before class ended, my professor told me I was to find Professor Thorat. I messaged P'Prem I would be late for lunch and that Kongpop was going to be with me so he wouldn't worry.

"Why do you think Professor Thorat wants to see me?" I ask Kongpop.

"Isn't he the faculty advisor for our year?" Kongpop looks at me, puzzled. I shrug. "I will wait for you here," he adds as he points at a chair outside. I nod before I knock on the door.

"Come in," I hear through the door.

"Sorry I am late," I reply as I close the door behind me. When I look up, I want to scream. Why the hell are they here?

"You are not late," Professor Thorat smiles at me. "Sit down, please."

"Why am I here?" I hesitantly ask as I glare at them.

"I was really sorry to hear you would be transferring to Economics after this term," Professor Thorat tells me.

I whip my head around and look at the professor. What did he say? I am transferring to Economics. Who the fvck said that?

"You are one of our top students for your year," the professor smiles at me.

"Who told you I was transferring?" I ask, trying to stay calm as I continue to glare at the two beside me.

"Your father," Professor Thorat looks at me, confused before he smiles at my father. "I understand that N'Dean is going to mentor you to help you stay in your year."

WHAT THE FVCK! I turn and look at my father and see the smile on the evil bastard behind him. So this is why they are here. All of this is fvcking P'Dean's doing. That evil son of a bitch is trying to get me in his sick faculty? What the hell is he up to now? I hate that bastard! I look back at my professor.

"I am sorry you have been misinformed," I state. "I will not be transferring to Economics. Also, this man here might be my father, but he has no legal rights when it comes to me."

"Look here," my father growls, "You are my son, and I am telling you that you are transferring to Economics! You will listen to me!" Why can't this man get it through his head? He doesn't get to claim that anymore?

"No," I say through gritted teeth, "I will not. Professor, may I call my mother? She can confirm that this man has no custodial rights concerning me." I don't want to call and upset her, but I will if it would stop this lunatic.

"No need," Professor Thorat answers, looking concerned. "Let me check your records. It should be listed there. One second." I can hear him on his computer while I watch as my father's face contorts with rage before he smooths it over to address Professor Thorat.

"You don't need to do that, Professor Thorat," my father smiles greasily at him, "As a father yourself, I am sure you understand. You know that a father only wants the best for their son." Best for their son? You are a sick twisted old man.

"I understand that," Professor Thorat replies curtly, "But if what N'Wad is saying is true. Then you have no legal right to be here or discussing this. And if that also means I get to keep him in my program, then I am happy to check this."

My father's face goes red with anger as he turns and glares at me. I smile as I try to keep myself from laughing. I know I have won this. My father waived all rights when he divorced my mom. It is how he got the divorce. He didn't care what he gave up as long as he got to be with that stupid woman, and Mom wouldn't sign unless he relinquished his rights.

"It seems what N'Wad is saying is correct," Professor Thorat informs my father, "I believe you should leave." I can tell the professor is not happy to have been lied to by my father and is beginning to wonder what this is all about now.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now