❤Chapter 2❤

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Guys i kinda added a little detail on thr text message name so yeah enjoy and back to the story...

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I was getting my things when i thought about on what i will be wearing probably Avengers Merch so i have a good first impression or u could say second...

Then i thought about wearing my Captain America one or Hulk or Black Widow but i forgot they are already inside the bag at rhe bottom so i only have two choice a chibi captain amwrica with Iron Man or chibi Iron Man so i picked iron man cayse he looked cuter all by himself....

2hours later

Text Message

🖤Baby Sis🖤: Hey bro can you pick me up or am i just gonna have an uber??

💚Incredible Bro💚: I'm terribly sorry sis i can't i'm working on a project with Stark and you know that he gets kinda angry when i leave to do something on a special project😓😓

🖤Baby Sis🖤: Ohh ok it's fine i already know what will happen...

💚Incredible Bro💚: Thank you so much sis, i promise to make it up to you when you get here...

🖤Baby Sis🖤: M-Kay gotta go now, see yahh Bro...

I locked my phone and started getting my bags and side bag/carry bag... I was heading heading sownstairs when iforgot to rurn of all the electricity so nothing starts on fire and got all my pop figures casluse i don't leave tjem here when i leave my house for days.. I headed downstairs to wait for my uber when is saw him i quickly raj up to the car abd quickly got in and then we headed straight to Stark's Tower...

10 Minutes Later

I got out of the car and paid the driver, i got to theentrance of Stark's Tower and saw a guard guarding the door (obviously ×3×)  "Who are you??" The guard asked but i think this guard is new cause the last guard that was guarding the entrance already know me "I'm (y/n) Banner,And i'm here to visit Dr.Banner my brother for a week..." i said "Can you show me an ID??" The guard right as Bruce came up to him and told him i was his sister and told him to remember me and we went inside to talk or greet the Avengers...

"Hey guys (y/n) is here"Bruce said and i heard everyone say Yay or just cheer "Hey guys" i sadi sounding a little nervous "Hey Girll, Welcome Back!" Nat said while hugging me "Thx" i said while hugging back... Everyone greeted me, hugging me and saying really nice things to me but only Tony didn't cause we had a fight last time


"Well you didn't have to do that!!!" I said "Well i'm sorry you should have told me earlier!" Tony Said "Now look what you have done!! You broke my phone and in extra you lost my licket and it's from my parents!!" I yelled at him

*End Of FalshBack*
(I know that's crappy but who cares?)

I talked to them but mostly Nat but now was the time to know where i was sleeping....

"Okay guys listen up,you guys already know where (y/n) is sleeping so you have to point out who is the chosen one cause we don't have any spare room and sorry (y/n) you can't sleep in my room cause i have alot of things that are deadly and i can only be close to, so everyone has pickes between Tony and Natasha" Bruce said 'please be Nat' i said in my head "and winner is Tony!! Because Tony had 6 votes and Nat had 3 votes so i will get you a new bed while you settel in your new room but i know you will only be here for a week so i will getyou a new comfortable bed" Bruce said while smiling while i was frowning cause i don't want Tony to be my new roommate he annoys me "Bit don't worry sis he will be with me always in the lab making projects or finishing one" he smiled then i just smiled back and got my phone to go to IG cause why not man??

💛Ok guys thank you for reading tjis chapter i kniw it's short but i have writters block right now ok?! But don'/t you guys worry cause Maybe the new chapter will be long or short i think but thank you guys so much for reading this chapter and rememver if you do not like my book then you can leave cause i do not like hate comments but i'll see you guys in the next chapter buhh-byeeee💛

Ps - Maxony Cookie

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