asthma (new)

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i wrote this about a year ago and i never finished it, it's about 2100 words long so why not publish it.

i'm not planning on finishing this, but it's some content.
i wrote the part in a bold a year ago also, just saying.

I love Peter Parker asthma fics sm and if anyone wants to recommend some I wouldn't mind :)

Notes: Peter is 15, lives with the Avengers and Tony is his temporary guardian bc May is traveling or something

also, i have asthma, so i  can sorta write from experience here lol.

3rd person POV (but its actually deadpool)

*deadpool voice*
Peter Parker didn't know he had asthma, as it was a new 'ability' he had recently gained and it developed almost 3 whole years after the spider bite.

He did figure out that he did indeed develop it when he was at the coumpound with the team after a particulary rough 8th period gym class through which he was coughing and wheezing through.

Let me tell you the full story of how the cute, innocent, amazing, sexy, hot, adorable Peter Parker found out he did have asthma by starting when he first arrived at the compound.

3rd Person POV *no longer deadpool*

Peter walked into the coumpound, and to the elevator, feeling exhausted and his chest feeling tighter than it has been over the past couple of days. His gym teacher, Coach Vasti, decided to make his class run extra laps around the track today on this cold Friday. For Peter it was the warm-up run he did before training, so he wasn't sure why but he had diffuculty breathing. He didn't pay any attention to it though because it's probably just allergies or a cough, so he thought.

Peter walked out of the elevator into the kitchen, still slightly out of breath, sitting on one of the bar stools and putting his head down, earning some looks of concern from the small part of the team that was there, as they are used to Peter acting much more energetic.

"You okay Pete?" Bucky asked worriedly, gaining the attention of everyone.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He said picking his head back up, "Just a bit tired."

"Then why are you out of breath, lol." he retorted

"Did you just say 'lol' out loud?" Peter asked, trying to change the subject.

"Is that not what you kids say these days?"

"No," Peter said while laughing, "No one says that, thats only over texts."

"Oh," He sighed, disappointed.

"Pete, are you sure you're okay?" Natasha questioned him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just going to go to the lab now." he told her while rushing to the elevator, stumbling ever-so-slightly, which did not go unnoticed by anyone.

Peter got to the lab and saw his Dad working on his suits nano-tech.

"Hey kid," he greeted

"Hey," he replied back, tiredly

He looked at Peter, concerned, noticing that he is much less hyper than normal and he is breathing unusually heavy. "Are you okay, Pete?"  he asks.

Peter put on another fake smile, "Perfectly fine," he answered "Just tired." he said for the seocnd time today.

Tony didn't believe him, but he knew Peter would open up to him sooner or later, so he went back to his work, preparing himself for no chatter which he had grown to love and making a note-to-self to ask Peter later.

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