Chapter 10

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Frank decided that he was done with the drama
He was driving Annabeth home while they were discussing it
"Honestly, can't Hazel ever stop like bothering us" Annabeth asked
"I'm not sure" Frank sighed
"Can I tell you something" Annabeth asked
"Yeah sure" Frank told her
"I was talking with Percy at homecoming" Annabeth said
"Really" Frank asked
"Yeah and he was really nice" Annabeth smiled
"You like him" Frank guessed
"Well maybe" Annabeth shrugged
"I think you should go for him, I know from personal experience that he's not really a jerk" Frank said
"Really" Annabeth asked
"Yeah, I think he only acts that way because of the popular kids well mostly Hazel" Frank said
"Thanks for the advice" Annabeth smiled getting out of the car
Frank then drove towards his house when he saw Hazel walking and he was debating whether to confront her or not
"I should just go and confront her" Frank decided
He got out of his car and asked
"Why'd you do that to Quinn"
"I didn't see you there" Hazel rolled her eyes
"I'm serious" Frank said
"Look, I'm just tired of getting ignored and everything taken away from me" Hazel admitted
"Maybe the reason why that happens is because you're mean" Frank told her
"Of course you'd think that" Hazel sighed
"Look, I know you're nice deep down and well maybe you can try to be nice" Frank suggested
"Well I'll tell you this, I was going to ask you to homecoming" Hazel told him
"Really, why" Frank was curious
"Because I didn't have a date and even though you're somewhat of a loser, you looked cute" Hazel explained
"That does not seem like a reason on why you would ask me" Frank said
"Maybe I have my other reasons which of course is none of your business anyways" Hazel then left with that
Frank just sighed and went back towards his car
His conversation with Hazel left him thinking
"Does Hazel like me"
But then he realized how stupid it was and then laughed it off
But then he thought
"Do I like her"
Then he thought
"Well maybe"
He then just drove home, his thoughts still in confusion over the conversation

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