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7:10 PM

For what seemed as though the second time that evening, Claire's feet seemed to know where they were going - through the door on the right side of the fireplace, and down what could only be described as a servants hallway, and into the kitchen of the house.

The entire kitchen was covered in a mix of dust and cobwebs, as if no surface was safe from the weathering of the years - even the rotten food on the countertops, picked over by years of animals and insects, was covered in a fine layer of cobwebs. 

Yet, as her feet continued to walk her through the kitchen and towards the back door, a sense of familiarity sunk in. Pangs of despair and sadness drifted through Claire's consciousness.

Why was she feeling like this? 

Though, as suddenly as the feelings appeared, it all disappeared, as if the summer breeze blew it all away.

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